摘 要:构造法是解决数学问题的一种重要的思想方法,是指在解决某个数学问题时,通过构造一种数学形式,使问题简单化.构造法在应用过程中往往起到了化简、转化和桥梁的重要作用.本论文首先阐述了构造法的有关概念、思想方法,然后通过举例说明构造法在数学解题中应用,最后总结了使用构造法解决具体题目时应注意的几个问题.关键词:构造法;应用;方法8447
The Constructure Method in Mathematics
Abstract: The constructure method is an important way to solve mathematical problems, the meaning of the constructure method is a mathematics form.When we solve the question ,we can use it to make the question simple. Constructure Method in the application process often played an important role as the bridge. This paper firstly describes the constructure method of the concept and thinking. Secondly illustrates the structure method in math to solve the question through the examples.At last we should use the constructure method to solve these several matters.
Key Words: Constructure method; Application; Methods
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