

    Tennis has become one of the college students in Universities favorite sport, along with the deepening of research and development of university sports curriculum reform health, teaching college tennis development and issues continue to depth, the tennis movement in its own right in China’s rapidly growing popularity, all colleges and universities in China is developing like a raging fire, tennis sports can not only physical exercise, leisure and entertainment, but also can edify sentiment, but also help to improve the overall quality of College student. so this through literature, interviews , analysis of data compilation methods, research Tennis Association,  Status and Development Strategies to promote the development of tennis in  University, so that more students understand tennis, love tennis. Through this study found that the development of college tennis association in China also has many problems, such as the source of financial support for a single tennis association,sites and coach quantity insufficiency,the association of the propaganda is not enough, and so on,all these need further solve the tennis association,actively play tennis association role in the development of tennis sport in colleges and universities.

    毕业论文关键词:网球协会; 大学生; 网球运动; 现状; 发展对策

    Keyword:  Tennis Association; University student; Tennis; current situation;Development Strategies

    目    录

    摘    要....2

    1. 选题背景与意义….......4

    1.1. 选题背景....4

    1.2. 选题意义....4

    2. 研究对象与方法...4


    2.2. 研究方法…5


    3. 研究结果…...5

    3.1. 大学网球协会的历史及发展现状(包含作用与职能的内容)…6

    3.1.1 网球运动在大学学生中的普及程度…..6

    3.1.2 大学网球场地、网球器材、教材人数…6

    3.1.3 大学领导、专业网球教练对网球协会发展的建议和重视程度…6

    3.2. 大学网球协会发展中存在的问题…7

    3.2.1. 校领导对本校网球协会发展的重视程度不高….7

    3.2.2. 学校网球协会的经费、场地、器材等难以得到保障.7

    3.2.3. 校网球师资比较匮乏,并且教练水平参差不齐.7

    3.2.4. 校网球协会的宣传力度不够,并且宣传手段较为单一….7

    3.3. 大学网球协会的发展对策8

    3.3.1. 学校领导必须转变观念,提高对校网球协会的重视程度.8

    3.3.2. 大学网球协会寻找自身存在的问题并加以解决.8

    4. 结论与建议...8

    4.1. 结论....8

    4.2. 建议…8






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