    本论文为降低毫米波微带阵列天线的副瓣水平,提出了一种新型并馈中心嵌入式贴片天线阵。利用Ansoft HFSS软件仿真设计了一个1×4毫米波段平面微带天线阵。通过分析毫米波段内阻抗变换段与传输线间的不连续,采用并馈网络,确定了馈线与输入阻抗、谐振频率的关系。通过优化馈线与阻抗变换段的宽度与长度以实现谐振频率和阻抗匹配的调整。19422
    关键词:ka波段 微带天线 低副瓣 功分器

    Title: The Low Sidelobe Microstrip Antenna Array Designed  for  Radar                                                    
    Microstrip antennas have been used in many applications in the military and civilian fields due to their inherent advantages like light weight, low cost ,thin profile , flexible design and so on . And similar to other antennas, microstrip antenna was originally used in the military field, mainly for missile guidance, fuse and radar. Low sidelobe microstrip antenna with excellent electronic warfare capabilities and with the same time , millimeter wave has good propagation characteristics in fog, snow, dust and other environments,and therefore has important implications for defense in depth study of millimeter-band low sidelobe microstrip antenna and the value of work.
    In this paper, to reduce the side-lobe level of millimeter-wave microstrip array antenna, propose a novel embedded patch antenna array fed center. Use Ansoft HFSS simulation software to design a 1 × 4 millimeter band planar microstrip antenna array. Through the analysis of discontinuous segments within the millimeter wave band impedance transformation between the transmission line, using a new type of string and feed-forward network, determine the input impedance of the feeder and the relationship between the resonant frequency. By optimizing the width and length of the feeder and the impedance transformation stage in order to achieve adjust the resonant frequency and impedance matching ,by optimizing the width and length of the feeder and the impedance transformation stage in order to achieve adjust the resonant frequency and impedance matching in order to get in line with the performance of low sidelobe microstrip antenna.
    Keywords : ka-band  low sidelobe  Microstrip antenna  Splitter
    摘要    I
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1研究背景   1
    1.2毫米波微带天线发展   2
    1.3.阵列天线的设计步骤 4
    1.4设计时考虑的因素  4
    1.5本文的内容安排  5
    第二章 微带天线基本理论    6
    第三章 微带阵列馈电基本理论    9
    3.1.微带天线单元的馈电方式 9
    第四章 阵列天线基本原理    13
    4.2 微带线阵的辐射特性 13
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