    摘要 随着科技的发展,GPS技术也被很快运用到各个领域,大到航空航海系统,小到个人移动设备,都有着它的身影。随着GPS的民用化与成本的降低,已经走入了人们的日常生活中,很多手机、PDA 等手持设备都配备了GPS功能。就功能而言,GPS就是在地球经纬座标系下对被测对象的方位进行测定,同时可以提供较高精度与实时的测定数据。对于基于单片机的便携式设备,如果要获取持有者的位置信息,则GPS是最好的解决方案。20836
    本文主要研究GPS 显示模块的原理与技术,单片机的编程及其应用,液晶屏的功能及其实现方法,功能应用。制作了一套设计方案,以软、硬件相结合的方式完成整个GPS显示。本课题采用GPS模块VK16U6 ublox、单片机STC89C52、液晶显示屏LCD12864设计一款可以实时显示当前所在位置的纬度、经度等信息,通过设计,编程,调试,该定位系统工作正常,可以满足基本的课题要求。
    With the development of technology, GPS technology has also been applied to various fields quickly, aviation and navigation system, small to personal mobile equipment, all has the figure of it. With the decrease of civilian GPS and cost, has been into people's daily life, many cellphone, PDA and other handheld devices are equipped with GPS functionality. In terms of functionality, GPS is in the Earth's latitude and longitude coordinates of the position of the measured object is measured, and can provide high accuracy and real-time measurement data. For microcontroller-based portable devices, if the holder to acquire location information, the GPS is the best solution.
     Timely control of their own position and the destination of the targeted tracking, monitoring, so as to achieve the defense, for assistance purposes. Meet the motor vehicle's direction, scheduling, managing, monitoring, navigation, communications and other needs. GPS has changed the way people work, improve work efficiency, and has brought enormous social and economic benefits. As people on the transport vehicle monitoring, tracking and improving intelligent management requirements , GPS outbreak in China is about to enter the development stage , tremendous space for development.
    This paper shows the principle of main GPS module and technology, programming and microcontroller applications, the LCD screen functionality and its implementation method, the voice system and application functions. Produced a design for the software and hardware combination display and complete the process of broadcasting of the GPS. This subject adopts GPS module VK16U6 ublox, monolithic integrated circuit STC89C52, LCD display screen LCD12864, design a real-time display current location latitude and longitude information , by design, programming , debugging , the positioning system to work properly, to meet the basic requirements of the subject .
    Key words: microcontroller, GPS, LCD
      1. 引言    5
    2. GPS概况    7
    2.1 背景    7
    2.2 发展    8
    2.3中国现状    9
    2.4 GPS特点    10
    3.方案选择    12
    4. 硬件设计    14
    4.1 总体设计    14
    4.2 硬件介绍    15
    4.2.1 单片机STC89C52    15
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