    关键词  即热式电热水器  单片机  温度控制  温度传感器
    Title       Instantaneous Water Heater Control            
                 System Design                         
    Abstract As a flourishing of new products, Tankless electric water heater has been popular in the United States and Europe. For China, this product will be its excellent performance, such as compact size, environmental protection and efficient energy utilization and most importantly it means the use of Tankless electric water heater will lead the trend of water heater.
    The design is based on the 51 single-chip and according to the proteus simulation software it will design thermostat system of Tankless electric water heater. In order to achieve the design requirements, the system is pided into five modules, namely heating control module, the temperature detection module, key input module, display and indicator module and alarm circuit module. Through this Programming and Simulation of five modules and through the Simulation of Tankless electric water heater's temperature control system the design requirements will  be easy toachieve.
    Keywords    SCM ;Temperature Control ; Tankless electric water heater   
    Temperature Sensor
    1  绪论    1
    1.1    即热式电热水器的发展背景及意义    1
    1.2  即热式电热水器的优点    2
    1.3  即热式电热水器的发展前景    2
    2  即热式电热水器温控系统的工作原理    3
    2.1 电路设计功能要求    3
    2.2 设计思路    3
    3  系统硬件电路的设计    4
    3.1  AT89C51单片机介绍    4
    3.2  加热控制电路    7
    3.3  温度检测电路    7
    3.4    按键、显示接口电路    9
    3.5  报警电路    11
    4.即热式热水器温度控制系统的软件设计    12
    4.1  主程序    12
    4.2 加热控制程序    13
    4.3  温度检测程序    15
    4.4  显示扫描子程序    17
    4.5  键盘扫描子程序    19
    5    软件仿真与调试    20
    5.1  仿真软件PROTEUS的简介    20
    5.2  电路调试及结果    21
    结束语    28
    致  谢    29
     1  绪论
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