    文章首先介绍了GPS全球定位系统的原理。包括系统组成,GPS卫星信号构成以及GPS定位原理。然后介绍高动态环境对卫星信号的影响,分析了GPS卫星信号的快速捕获跟踪的原理和方法。接着提出立方体小型化高动态GPS接收机的设计方案,在Altium Designer的环境下完成GPS接收机的原理图设计。最后,演示GPS信号接收机工作的流程。22619
    毕业论文关键词  GPS接收机 高动态 小型化
    Title  High dynamic miniaturization of cube satellite GPS receiver Solutions Design                                               
    Since 1973 when the U.S. GPS global positioning system put into use, GPS global positioning system not only plays an important role in the field of satellite navigation,but also play an important role in geological exploration,transportation, aerospace, defense, military and other fields also . In the evolving technology now,GPS is heading high precision,high dynamic, high sensitivity and high noise immunity development.GPS receiver is a key component. In high dynamic environment, the receiver needs to be further improved.
    The article first introduces the principle of GPS global positioning system.Including system components,constitution of GPS satellite signal and GPS positioning principle .Then describes the impact of high dynamic environment on satellite signals,analyzes the principle and the method is fast capturing GPS satellite signals to track. Then puts forward the design of miniaturized cube of high dynamic GPS receiver ,complete the schematic design of the GPS receiver in the Altium Designer environment. Finally,demonstrates the work processes of GPS signal receiver .
    Keywords  GPS receiver  highly dynamic  miniaturization
    目   次
    1   绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景    1
    1.2  国内外发展动态    1
    1.3  课题研究的内容    2
    2   GPS系统原理    3
    2.1  GPS系统组成    4
    2.2  GPS卫星信号构成    6
    2.3  GPS定位原理    9
    3   GPS卫星信号的快速捕获与跟踪    9
    3.1  高动态环境对GPS卫星信号的影响    9
    3.2  C/A码捕获原理    9
    3.3  GPS卫星信号的捕获方法    10
    3.4  载波跟踪环    11
    3.5  伪码跟踪环    12
    4   GPS信号接收机的设计    13
    4.1  Altium Designer GPS模块设计    13
    4.2  GPS信号接收机的工作原理    14
    4.3  GPS接收机硬件基础    16
    4.4  GPS接收机硬件总体方案设计    17
    5   GPS接收机测试    21
    结论    26
    致谢    27
    参考文献    28
    附录A GPS接收机STM32F407VET6模块原理图    30
    附录B GPS接收机EP3C55F484模块原理图    31
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