    图像融合(Image Fusion)是指将多源信道所采集到的关于同一目标的图像数据经过图像处理和计算机技术等,最大限度的提取各自信道中的有利信息,最后综合成高质量的图像。在本文中,就是把两幅经过刚体变换,仿射变换,透视变换的图像进行融合。变成一幅高质量的全景图。23217
    本文的实验是在64位Windows 7操作系统,MATLAB软件上实现的,实验所用测试图由本人在学校用手机拍摄并进行过下采样处理。实验证明,本文算法对日常简单图像可以实现准确快速的拼接。
    毕业论文关键词: 图像配准;图像融合;图像拼接;SIFT特征算法;RANSAC算法;K-D算法;图像转换矩阵
    Subject : Multiple Image Stitching Technique Based on The Feature Points                       
    Image splicing technology is the number of pieces of overlap image (which may be a different time, different Angle of view or different sensors) into a large seamless high-resolution images of technology. For maximum close to the original image, the distortion as small as possible, with no obvious sutures. Image splicing technology mainly includes two key links of image registration and image fusion for the quality of the image fusion due to its time is not too big, and the effect of several important methods of existing the difference is not much, so relatively mature in general algorithm. Part and image registration is the core part of the image matching technology, it is directly related to the success rate and speed of image matching algorithm, so the registration algorithm research is the focus of research for many years.
        The purpose of image registration is to get a panoramic view of the wide field. In this article, first of all, using the SIFT algorithm to extract the local extreme value point of the original image as the preliminary feature points; Secondly, using the K - D tree algorithm, the computational space Euclidean distance ratios of feature points matching; Finally, use RANSAC algorithm to fine matching, and calculate the transformation matrix between images, in order to realize image registration.
        Image Fusion, (Image Fusion) refers to the source channel more of the same target collected by the Image data through Image processing and computer technology, such as maximum extraction favorable information in each channel, and finally integrated into high quality images. In this article, is to make two paintings through the rigid body transformation, affine transformation and perspective transformation of image fusion. Into a high quality of the panorama.
    Experiment of this article is in a 64 - bit Windows 7 operating system, the MATLAB software, the experiment used test photo taken by my mobile phone at school and for the sampling process. Experiments show that this algorithm for daily simple image can realize fast splicing.
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