    摘要:列车运行控制系统(Chinese Train Control System,CTCS)作为高速铁路的核心技术,它保证了列车行车安全,也提高了运输效率。随着铁路通信技术的发展,列车运行控制系统得到了的广泛应用。中国列控系统第三级(Chinese Train Control System of Level 3,简称 CTCS-3) 实现200-250km/h 新建铁路和既有提速线路的互联互通,能够满足最高运营速度 380km/h,列车正向运行最小追踪间隔时间 3 分钟的要求。该系统是基于GSM-R(GSM for Railways)无线通信实现车一地信息双向传输、无线闭塞中心(Radio Blocking Center,RBC)生成行车许可的列控系统。如果无线通信发生故障则会影响到系统的可靠性,从而直接影响列车的安全运行。本文首先选用故障树分析法,找出导致CTCS-3 级列控系统通信故障的因素。然后从GSM-R 无线通信的角度,构建系统的可靠性框图,对故障原因进行分析。同时,采用层次分析法对故障因素进行可靠性影响力分析,并按影响力大小进行排序。最后建立马尔可夫模型,画出马尔科夫状态转移图,并计算出稳态可用度。25488
    毕业论文关键词: 马尔可夫模型;CTCS-3 级列控系统;GSM-R;可靠性
    Reliability Analysis of CTCS-3 Model Train Control Communications System
    Abstract: As the core technology of high-speed railway, Chinese Train Control System(CTCS)
    not only ensures the safety of train operation,but also improve transport efficiency.With the
    development of the railway communication technology,train control system has been widely applied.
    Chinese Train Control System of Level 3(CTCS-3) achieve the interconnection between
    200-250km/h new speed railway and the existing lines,which meet the requirements of the
    maximum operating speed of 380km/h and the train forward the minimum running time of 3
    minutes tracking interval.The system is based on GSM for Railways(GSM-R) wireless
    communication vehicle to achieve two-way transmission of information in one place,Radio
    Blocking Center(RBC) driving license generation train control system.If the wireless
    communications failure affects the reliability of Chinese Train Control System of Level 3,
    which directly affect the safe operation of trains.Firstly,the paper chooses the fault tree analysis to identify factors that lead to Chinese
    Train Control System of Level 3 communication failure.And from the perspective of the GSM
    for Railways radio communication,the paper build a block diagram of the system reliability
    and analyzes the fault cause.Meanwhile,using Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) analyzes the
    fault factors which influence the reliability,and then sorts according to the influence size.
    Finally,the establish a Markov model and draw Markov state transition diagram,and then
    calculate the steady state availability.
    KeyWords:CTCS-3;GSM-R;train control system;reliability 目 录
    1 绪论. 1
    1.1 研究背景. 1
    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平. 1
    1.2.1 国外列车运行控制系统研究现状..1
    1.2.2 国内列车运行控制系统研究现状..2
    1.2.3 国内外 GSM-R 系统研究现状.3
    1.3 本论文研究目的和意义. 4
    1.3.1 研究目的4
    1.3.2 研究意义5
    1.4 论文研究内容和方法.. 5
    1.4.1 研究内容5
    1.4.2 研究方法5
    2 CTCS-3 级列控系统概述. 7
    2.1 CTCS-3级列控系统结构 7
    2.1.1 系统组成7
    2.1.2 系统特点8
    2.2 CTCS-3级列控系统中 GSM-R 系统的应用.. 9
    2.2.1 GSM-R 系统结构及功能.9
    2.2.2 GSM-R 承载业务.9
    2.2.3 GSM-R 在 CTCS-3 中的应用..10
    3 可靠性的基础知识.. 12
    3.1 基本概念.. 12
    3.2 可靠性模型中常用的失效分布.. 13
    4 可靠性模型的分析方法 16
    4.1 可靠性框图法 16
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