    本论文研究的是在VC平台上基于VFW技术的实时图像采集过程,同时引入一些基本的处理技术。平台设计过程是由两部分组成:一是利用微软官方提供的VFW软件开发包设计并实现图像的采集过程;二是利用VC平台上的MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)微软基础类库类库实现对采集到的图像进行基本处理的过程。这种开发图像采集和图像处理的方式具有设计周期短、便于理解和方便验证等优点,且具有实用性。
    关键词   VC++6.0  VFW  MFC   图像采集   图像处理
    Title               实时图像采集与处理平台开发            
    Since the 1970s and 1980s, with the rapid development of computer technology and information technology, we human society has been into the information age by the age of electricity. With computer’s powerful data processing capabilities and the gradually increasing level of manufacturing technology, digital image analysis and processing technology has been well developed. Due to the large amount of information and the ease of digital image processing , in almost all aspects related to video applications, image acquisition, processing and analysis techniques have been applied. Faced with such a widely used scenario, studying image acquisition, processing and analysis technology becomes more necessary.
         This thesis is based on the VC platform, studying the real-time image acquisition process, while introducing some of the basic processing techniques. The platform design process generally consists of two parts: First, the use of Microsoft's VFW official software development kit designed for image acquisition; second is to use Microsoft Foundation Class Library MFC to achieve the basic image processing. This mode of image acquisition and image processing has the short design cycle, and is easy to understand and easy to verify, etc., and practical.
         For the research, coding in VC ++ 6.0 software, and use the software to experiment and get the results we want. It proved the rationality and feasibility of this article.
    Keywords  VC++6.0  VFW  MFC   Image Acquisition   Image Processing
    目   次
    1  绪论 1
    2  视频采集与处理理论基础  3
    2.1 数字图像基本性质   3
    2.2 开发平台简介  4
    2.3 VFW简介   5
    2.4 AVICap简介  6
    3  视频采集与处理平台实现  9
    3.1 视频采集平台实现 9
    3.2 视频处理平台实现 11
    结论  21
    致谢  22
    1  绪论
    随着我们进入到21世纪,图像采集与处理技术正在变得越来越重要。信息时代,随着各种多媒体信息爆炸式增长,人们对图像采集与处理技术的需求也不断上升。实现视频采集与处理的方式有很多,本文主要介绍了利用微软官方VFW(Video for Windows)软件包开发开发一个实时图像采集与处理的平台,以及利用编写的程序在PC上进行实验的过程。
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