- 上一篇:小型化定量相位显微成像仪设计
- 下一篇:Matlab与PSpice接口技术的研究
本论文研究的主要内容是频率范围在 3MHz-30MHz 的短波通信信号的调制方式识别及参数提取,主要任务是设计系统将短波通信信号经放大滤波模块送至AD采样模块在 FPGA 控制下进行 80MHz 均匀采样,FPGA 再对采样数据进行基于 UDP协议的数据帧封装并将数据帧通过网口传至 PC 机,最后 PC 机对数据进行调制识别及参数提取,待识别的调制方式有 4ASK、2PSK、4PSK、2FSK、4FSK、16QAM。首先对优尔种调制方式进行算法研究,并用 Matlab 进行算法仿真,绘制在不同信噪
毕业论文关键词 调制方式识别 载波频率 符号速率 AD采样 现场可编程门阵列
Title Modulation recognition of short wave communication signal and parameter extraction
The modulation identification plays an important role both in the military
field and the civilian field.In the military field, the identification of
enemy information can be intercepted by modulation identification. In the
field of civil field, the wireless spectrum can be unified and it is
forbidden to take up the wireless spectrum illegally.Therefore, it is
necessary to study the algorithm of modulation pattern recognition.
The main content of this thesis is the recognition and parameter extraction
of HF communication signal modulation.. The signals mentioned in this paper
are short wave communication signals and the frequency range is 3MHz-30MHz.
The main task of this thesis is to design system which the shortwave signals
after amplification filtering module, an AD sampling module 80MHz uniform
sampling, FPGA of sampling data based on UDP data encapsulation and data
frame through network oral to the PC and the PC for data processing. In
the aspect of algorithm, first of all based on seven kinds of modulation
methods of 4ask, 2PSK, 4PSK, 2FSK, 4FSK 16QAM making algorithm study, and
using MATLAB simulation algorithm, drawing in different signal to noise
ratio, the algorithm of the signal recognition success rate curve, and to
compare the extracted parameters with the parameters of the theory.
Keywords Modulation recognition Symbol rate Carrier frequency Field programmable gate array
目 次
第 1 章 绪论 …1
1.1 课题背景及研究意义…1
1.2 论文结构2
第 2 章 调制方式识别系统的硬件设计 3
2.1 系统设计3
2.2 A/D 模块4
2.3 以太网接口…6
2.4 FPGA 模块 …6
2.5 硬件测试13
第 3 章 数字调制信号载波频率估算方法 …14
3.1 基本原理14
3.2 方法实现过程与改善…15
3.3 仿真结果18
第 4 章 数字调制方式识别算法 …19
4.1 数字调制方式19
4.2 特征参数21
4.3 识别流程25
4.4 计算机仿真…26
第 5 章 界面设计 …27
5.1 PC 机网卡设置 …27
5.2 软件界面设计27
结论 …31
致谢 …32
参考文献 …33
附录 A 34
附录 B 35
1 绪论
1.1 课题背景及研究意义
随着调制技术的快速发展, 调制方式种类繁多, 常见的数字调制方式有ASK、
FSK、PSK 等,常见的模拟调制方式有 AM、FM、DSB、SSB 等。发射机对信号进行