    摘要储存技术的发展以及人们对高清视频、图像的需求迫使数据传输速度的提升,因此USB 3.0协议应运而生。USB 3.0继承了USB 2.0的即插即用、易于扩展、接口简单的优点,其理论带宽可高达5Gbps。USB 3.0的不断普及以及应用领域的扩大,开发基于USB 3.0接口的实时视频采集软硬件设备也是顺应时代发展的要求。本课题主要解决基于USB 3.0接口实时视频采集软件的设计。本课题设计采用了赛普拉斯新一代USB 3.0外设控制器CYUSB3014_BZX1芯片。设计中采用了USB 3.0 协议中适用于大批量数据传输的bulk传输方式。EZ_USB FX3 采用了同步Slave FIFO工作模式以提高传输效率。26992
        根据系统的需求设计了软件的总体方案,完成了软件的各功能模块结构的设计。在Visual Stdio2010 软件平台上采用面向对象的方法,基于MFC技术、多线程技术以及USB3.0协议规范完成了系统的上位机界面软件(GUI)以及系统控制模块的设计。
    毕业论文关键词  USB3.0  CYUSB3014  GPIF II  数据采集  数据高速传输
    Title    The real-time video capture software design  based on USB3.0 interface                        
    With the development of storage technologies and demanding high-definition video and the image of forcing improve data transfer speed, so USB 3.0 protocol came into being.USB 3.0 inherited the advantages of Plug and Play, easy expansion, interface simple , its theoretical bandwidth up to 5Gbps.The growing popularity of USB 3.0 and the expansion of application fields, the development of real-time video capture software and hardware-based USB devices also comply with the requirements of the times 3.0 interface.The main problem is to solve real-time video capture software  design which based on USB 3.0 interface.
    The task design uses a new generation of USB 3.0 Peripheral Controller Cypress CYUSB3014_BZX1 chip.Design uses USB 3.0 protocol in bulk transfer mode for high-volume data transfer.EZ-USB FX3 Slave FIFO uses a synchronous mode of operation in order to improve transmission efficiency.
    According to the needs of the overall system design software program, completing the structure of the functional modules of software design. Object-oriented software platform in Visual Stdio2010 method, based on the MFC technology, multi-threading technology, and USB3.0 protocol specification complete system PC interface software (GUI) and a system control module design.
    Keywords  USB3.0  CYUSB3014  GPIF II  Data acquisition  High-speed data    transmission
    目   次
    1  引言(或绪论) 1
      1.1课题的研究背景与意义 1
    2  USB3.0技术原理与硬件简介 3
      2.1 USB3.0的基本特性 3  
        2.2 USB3.0的结构原理 3
            2.2.1 USB3.0 总线的拓扑结构 3 
            2.2.2 USB3.0 协议概述 4
        2.3 USB3.0的硬件接口电路 6
            2.3.1 USB3.0接口电路总体结构 6 
            2.3.2 USB3.0 接口电路 7    
    3  数据采集系统软件设计  9
      3.1 固件程序设计 9
         3.1.1 USB3.0固件开发平台Eclipse 9
              3.1.2 固件开发流程9
              3.1.3 FX3 的固件程序开发 11 
              3.1.4 GPIF II 文件设计 15
      3.2 USB3.0的驱动程序 17
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