    摘要航运安全随着社会等各方面的发展越来越受到各个国家的关注。船舶自动识别系统(AIS)是一个通用的舰载跟踪系统,目的是提供一个有效的交换导航数据的船舶和岸站   的舰载跟踪系统,从而普遍的提高海上交通安全。AIS标准规定了一个自组织时分多址(SOTDMA)格式的高斯最小频移键控(GMSK)调制,船只每隔几秒钟就会不断发送它们的位置和其他遥感勘测的短脉冲,以便在标准化界面上显示出来本船和周围船舶的航行状态等信息。随着科技发展人们对该系统能覆盖的范围提出了更高的要求,于是利用在低轨道卫星搭建接收机来加大对其的监测水平,即为星载AIS系统。然而星载AIS虽然有许多优势,不过同时也迎来了新的挑战,比如干扰问题等等,而良好合适的解调算法对于系统性能的提升也是十分明显的,所以对解调算法的选择和研究也就更为重要。28075
    关键词  自动识别系统  自组织时分多址  高斯最小频移键控  非相干解调   差分解调
    Title   Research on Demodulation Algorithm For Automatic Identification System(AIS) on Satellite                                              
    Shipping safety is suffered more and more attention by various countries with the development of all aspects of society etc. Ship automatic identification system (AIS) is an universal shipborne tracking system, the purpose of which is to provide an effective exchange of navigation data of ship and shore stations of Shipborne tracking system, which generally improve maritime traffic safety. The AIS standard provides a self organized time pision multiple access (SOTDMA) format of Gaussian minimum frequency shift keying (GMSK), ships every few seconds will continue to transmit their position and other remote sensing survey of short pulse, so that the standardized interface displayed on the navigation of the ship and the ship around state information.Put forward higher requirements with people for the development of science and technology of the system can be covered by the range, so the use of in low earth orbit satellite built receiver to increase the monitoring level, namely as the star of the AIS system. However, satellite AIS, although it has many advantages, but also ushered in the new challenges, such as interference and so on, and good suitable demodulation algorithm for improving the performance of the system is also very obvious, so selecting and studying the demodulation algorithm is more important。
    This paper firstly introduces the basic principle of AIS and AIS frame structure and GMSK signal modeling was studied, and then mainly discussed several non coherent demodulation algorithm, including the 1-bit or 2-bit differential demodulation and the Viterbi demodulation algorithm, using MATLAB to simulate the demodulation algorithm and obtained the satisfactory demodulation performance.
    Keywords  Automatic identification system  Gaussian minimum shift keying
              Self organized time pision multiple access 
              Non coherent demodulation  Differential demodulation
      目   次
    1   绪论1
    1.1  研究背景和意义 1
    1.2  AIS研究现状  2
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