    关键词 带通滤波器 信号干扰技术 短路分支线 耦合线 传输零点
    Title   High selectivity wideband bandpass filter with multiple transmission           
            zeros based on coupled transmission line with loaded stubs                         
    As an important component of modern wireless communication, the design of bandpass filter  has been given importance and value. The modern wireless communication develops so rapidly that the frequency resources are increasingly strained. As a frequency selection component, the filter has an important impact on the communication quality of the communication system. In the design of bandpass filter, not only to meet the bandwidth demands, but also meet some certain performance requirements such as low-loss, small size, high rejection, high selectivity . In this paper, we introduce high selectivity wideband bandpass filter with multiple transmission zeros based on coupling transmission lines.
       Firstly, the history and the development of microwave filters are introduced briefly. The current research status in the word is given latter.
       Secondly, introduce some theoretical knowledge: the principle of filter, characteristics of some common coupled lines, sigal-interaction concepts.
       Thirdly, two novel high selectivity fifth-order wideband bandpass filters (BPFs) with multiple transmission zeros based on transversal signal-interaction concepts are proposed in this letter. Two transmission paths consist of a shorted stub and two open coupled lines are used to realize signal transmission from Port 1 to Port 2.
    Keywords  Bandpass filter, sigal-interaction concepts, short stub, coupled line, transmission zeros
    目   次
       1  绪论 1
    1.1  本课题的研究背景  1
    1.2  国内外研究现状  1
    1.3  论文的主要研究内容及框架  4
    2 滤波器的基本理论和信号干扰技术理论6
    2.1  滤波器基本理论6
    2.2  常用耦合线的特性分析8
    2.3  信号干扰技术理论12
    2.4  小结  14
      3 带外具有优尔个传输零点的宽带带通滤波器  16
      3.1  引言  16
    3.2  滤波器理想电路的设计与理论分析  16
    3.3  滤波器结构模型的仿真与分析  16
      3.4 小结   23
      4 带外具有十个传输零点的宽带带通滤波器 25
      4.1  引言  25
    4.2  滤波器理想电路的设计与理论分析  25
    4.3  滤波器结构模型的仿真与分析  27
    4.4 小结 29
      结论 30
    致谢  31
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