    摘要随着科技的进步,微波领域不断发展。人工磁导体(AMC, Artificial Magnetic Conductor)作为一种新型的特异性材料,因其特殊的电磁特性,己经迅速成为了微波界研究的热点。凭借AMC简单的结构,以及其对平面波的同相位具有反射特性等优点,将其加载至天线或其他射频器件中,则能提高这些器件的性能,对通信系统的整体性能带来极大的改善。因此,开展人工磁导体的研究具有极高的学术价值及应用价值。28665
    本文首先介绍了AMC结构和基本特性,及其带隙的形成机理和相关理论。再通过改变AMC结构中的金属贴片尺寸、基板厚度、基板介电常数等参数,并采用单一变量原则探讨了其反射相位的影响因素。然后,简单介绍了特异性材料结构的阻带带隙的计算方法,并对单层切角AMC加载的天线的基本理论以及天线的极化等术语进行了叙述。并对模型仿真工具HFSS做了基本介绍。最后,设计了一个16 GHz的切角AMC加载的圆极化天线,通过切角的周期性AMC结构,将线极化天线变成了圆极化天线,并给出相应的仿真结果。通过反射系数、轴比、方向图三个方面对中心频率在16 GHz下的单层切角AMC天线的仿真结果做了展示。
    关键词  人工磁导体 天线 圆极化 反射系数
    Title    Study on artificial magnetic conductor antennas          
    With the progress of science and technology, the microwave field is developing continuously.. As a new type of special material, artificial magnetic conductor  has been rapidly becoming the hotspot of microwave research because of its special electromagnetic properties.. By virtue of the AMC has the advantages of simple structure, and its reflection characteristics of plane wave with phase, the load to the antenna or other RF devices, it can improve the performance of these devices, the overall performance of the communication system has greatly improved. Therefore, the study of artificial magnetic conductor has a high academic value and application value
    In this paper, the structure and basic properties of AMC, the formation mechanism and the related theory of the band gap are introduced. By changing the size of the metal patch, the thickness of the substrate, and the permittivity of the substrate, the influence factors of the reflection phase are discussed by using the single variable principle in the AMC structure.. Then, the calculation method of the band gap of the specific material structure is briefly introduced, and the basic theory of the antenna and the polarization of the antenna are described in this paper.. And the model simulation tool HFSS is introduced.. Finally, the design of the corner cut of a 16 GHz AMC loaded circularly polarized antenna, the cutting angle of the cycle of AMC structure, linear polarization antenna into a circularly polarized antenna, and the corresponding simulation results are given.The simulation results of the single-layer tangent angle antenna with 16 GHz are demonstrated.
    Keywords  Artificial magnetic conductor  Antenna  Circular polarization  Reflection coefficient
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1   课题研究背景与意义    1
    1.2 AMC在国内外发展现状    2
    1.2.1 基本特性研究    2
    1.2.2 新型AMC结构    3
    1.3 本文的主要内容    3
    2  AMC的相关理论    5
    2.1 AMC结构的介绍    5
    2.1.1 AMC结构的简介    5
    2.1.2 带隙形成机理    5
    2.1.3 反射相位带隙计算模型    8
    2.2 AMC结构反射相位的讨论    8
    2.2.1 金属贴片尺寸的影响    9
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