    关键词 音乐旋律检索 基音提取 特征表达 匹配检索 基音提取5372
    Title    Melody-based music retrieval   
    As one branch of the study of content-based musical retrieval, the query-by-humming technique touches musical methodology, signal processing and pattern recognition. And this
    technique plays a significant role in network music sharing and daily amusement.
        With the fast development of network and multimedia technology, an increasing largeamount of multimedia information is available on the Internet. As an important part ofmultimedia information, the amount of audio data increased dramatically as well. Thus, how to easily and rapidly find out the audio information that we want has become problems needed to be solved. In recent years, the query-by-humming technique is adopted by many researchers as an ideal means to solve the above problems.
        (1) According to the research on the musical signals analyzing theory, a method using the pitch difference and the note duration ratio to describe the musical melody features is presented. Comparing with the traditional method using pitch difference only, the method in this paper describes the melody features better. So, the result we get can be more accurate.
        (2) Based on summarizing of the advantages in extracting musical melody features from MIDI files, we confirm MIDI to be the database file format and present the algorithm to find out the main melody from the MIDI files.
        (3) Some new algorithms and implementing steps about humming music processing are described in details, which include the signal pre-processing, pitch extraction, features post-processing, note segmentation, etc. Meanwhile, these new algorithms take people's humming habits and the problem which will come up in the processing into account. So the result of humming music processing can be more accurate.
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