    本论文按照自顶向下的原则,首先对系统结构进行了分析,然后在对白光LED的伏安特性、光谱特性等深入分析的基础上,重点研究了白光LED的发射端电路的设计,然后选取了OOK调制编码方式进行了可行性论证,通过使用system view软件仿真,得到结论:OOK调制编码在低速传输时能很好的进行可见光通信。
    关键词  室内可见光通信  白光LED  发射端电路  OOK调制编码
    Title     Design of transmitter circuit based on white LED      
    indoor visible light communication system        
    Visible light communication technology is an emerging wireless optical communication technology developed after the invention and application of the white LED. In the visible light communication system, the LED can not only provide interior lighting, but also can be applied to the wireless optical communication system for the exchange of information, while transmit-side circuit and modulation encoding mode are the basis and core of the system. The thesis is mainly focused on the research of transmitter circuit and encoding mode of the visible light communication system based on the white LED.
    In accordance with the superincumbent principle, the thesis analyzed the structure of the system firstly. Secondly, on the basis of analysis of the volt-ampere and the spectral characteristics of the white LED, its transmitter circuit was designed. Finally, it was carried out that a feasibility study of the OOK modulation encoding mode and the conclusion was drown that the OOK modulation coding mode can do pretty well in visible light communication in low-speed transmission by using system view to simulate.
    Keywords  Indoor Visible Light Communication  White LED  transmit-side circuit  OOK modulation    
    目   次
    1    绪论    1
    1.1  LED可见光无线通信的发展概要    1
    1.2  可见光通信与射频、红外通信的比较    4
    1.3  本文主要研究的内容    5
    2    白光LED的原理、结构与工作特性研究    7
    2.1  LED发光原理    7
    2.2  白光LED的实现    7
    2.3  白光LED的物理特性和发光特性    11
    3    室内LED无线通信系统发射端电路设计    15
    3.1  可见光通信系统结构    15
    3.2  VLC系统发射端电路设计    18
    4    室内可见光通信OOK调制方式研究    22
    4. 1    OOK调制编码    22
    4. 2    OOK信道编码性能分析    28
    结 论    30
    致  谢    31
    参 考 文 献    32
    1    绪论
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