    立体仓库智能管理软件不仅能使货物在仓库内按需要自动存取,而且可以与仓库以外的物流设备进行 有机的连接,并通过计算机管理系统自动化物料搬运设备使仓库成为企业生产物流中的一个重要环节。从而形成一个自动化的物流系统,这是一种“动态储存”, 也是当今自动化仓库发展的一个明显的技术趋势。
    毕业论文关键词:立体仓库智能管理软件  物流   动态存储
    Intellective Management Software for Three-dimensional Warehouse
    Abstract:The development of intellective management software for three-dimensional warehouse is the main research direction in logistics management industry. In recent years, many developed countries and regions make a deep study and broaden application about intellective management software for three-dimensional warehouse. This technology has a very important promotion effect for the work efficiency, economic benefit and marketability of the corporation. However, the development and application of intellective management software for three-dimensional warehouse in our country are still in the initial stage. It’s a wide development space for us to explore. Obviously, it’s meaningful and valuable to study how to design and apply intellective management software for three-dimensional warehouse.
    Intellective management software for three-dimensional warehouse can not only store the goods as required which are in the warehouse automatically, but also connect with the logistics equipments which are out of the warehouse. In addition, warehouse can be an important step in enterprise production logistics by computer management system and automation equipments for materials’ transport. Thus, an automation material system has been built. This is a dynamic storage which is obviously the technology trend for the development of automatic warehouse at present.
    Key Words: Intellective Management Software for Three-dimensional Warehouse; logistics; dynamic storage
    目   录
    第1章 绪论    5
    1.1 课题研究的背景    5
    1.2 课题研究目的及意义    6
    1.3 立体仓库智能管理系统的发展现状    7
    1.4 本论文的结构    8
    第2章 系统分析    9
    2.1 系统需求分析    9
    2.1.1 功能需求    9
    2.1.2 性能需求    10
    2.1.3 数据库需求    10
    2.2 系统可行性分析    11
    2.3 本章小结    12
    第3章 系统设计    14
    3.1 系统设计目标    14
    3.2 系统概要设计    14
    3.3 系统数据库设计    16
    3.3.1 概念结构设计    16
    3.3.2 逻辑结构设计    17
    3.4 系统功能模块详细设计    19
    3.4.1 货物入库模块设计    19
    3.4.2 货物出库模块设计    20
    3.4.3货物管理模块设计    20
    3.4.4 货物查询模块设计    21
    3.4.5 用户管理模块设计    21
    3.5 本章小结    21
    第4章 系统实现    23
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