    毕业论文关键词: 驱动;低能耗;高效率;开关电源
    High brightness LED driver and design
    Abstract:With the rapid development of high-tech information age, people have desire in acquiring and displaying all types of information timely strong , thus driving the rapid development of information media, light-emitting diode (LED) display is one of the important display information media. LED display technology is integrated optical-electronic, computer and control technologies as a modern technology. As its applications is very wide in industry, agriculture, medicine, and urban lighting. So the design of its driving circuit is very important.LED lights with long life、 reliability and durability、 resistance to shock、 high-low、 light speed、small size、 light weight and so widely used。This article provides an overview of the status of the working principle of the LED, the LED at home and abroad, As well as LED driver: RC buck driver, switching power supply type, constant current, constant pressure switch driver comparative discussion of。LED driver circuit, it has a highly integrated, cost-effective, the most simple external circuit,the best performance,can constitute a high-efficiency power supplies, etc.
    Keywords: Drive;Lower Energy;High Efficiency; Switch Power Supply
    1 引言    1
    2 概 述    2
      2.1 传统的驱动电流    2
      2.2 同步整流技术    3
      2.3 LED工作原理    3
    3 LED的驱动方式比较    5
      3.1 LED的恒定电流源驱动    5
      3.2 LED的恒定电压源驱动    5
    4 系统设计原理    7
      4.1 总体设计方案    7
      4.2 系统驱动方式选择    7
      4.3 光照检测方式选择    8
      4.4 人体感应方式选择    8
      4.5 LED驱动设计注意点    8
    5 硬件设计    10
      5.1电源电路    10
      5.2 感光电路    11
        5.2.1 LED基本参数    13
      5.3手动控制电路    13
      5.4延时时间选择电路    13
      5.5单片机控制电路    14
        5.5.1 AT89C52简介    14
        5.5.2 单片机控制电路    17
        5.5.3 AD转换电路    17
        5.5.4 PID控制的原理和特点    18
      5.6时钟电路    19
      5.7发光二极管驱动电路    20
    6 软件设计    21
      6.1系统流程图    21
      6.2 初始化    21
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