    Application of optical coherence tomography in biomedicine
    Abstract: Optical coherence tomography is a new 3D tomography technology developed in the 90 time in twentieth century. OCT is based on the principle of low coherence interferometry, and can reconstruct 2D or 3D images of the structure of biological tissues or materials by scanning.The signal contrast is derived from the spatial variation of optical reflectance (scatter) in biological tissues or materials. which can get high-resolution images of tissue structure, and has prominent advantages such as non-contact, no harm, biopsies.Contrast to other detection methods, because of the significant advantages of OCT ,it has unparalleled advantage in biomedicine, so that OCT has been widely used in the field of ophthalmology, cardiovascular medicine. Firstly, definition, classification, characteristics and development of OCT are analyzed. Secondly, on the basis of the previous study, theoretical principles of light propagation model characteristics and OCT systems in biological tissue are analyaed. Finally, the application of OCT technology in all areas of medical are researched.
    Keywords: Optical coherence tomography; Biological tissue; Biomedical Application
    1  绪论    2
          1.1 研究背景与意义    2
              1.1.1 研究背景    2
       1.1.2 研究意义    2
          1.2 文献综述    2
    2  OCT基本介绍    4
          2.1 OCT的定义与分类    4
              2.1.1  偏振OCT    5
              2.1.2  多普勒OCT    6
              2.1.3  光谱OCT    6
          2.2 OCT的特点    6
              2.2.1 优点    6
              2.2.2 局限性    7
          2.3 OCT的历史发展    7
    3  OCT的理论分析    7
          3.1 OCT的理论基础    7
              3.1.1 光在生物组织内部的传播模型    7
       3.1.2 光在生物组织内部的传播特性    8
          3.2  OCT系统的工作原理    10
    4  OCT在生物医学中的应用    10
          4.1 OCT现阶段的应用    11
       4.1.1 眼科    11
       4.1.2 心血管    13
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