    摘要 随着人们对蜂窝移动通信业务需求量的日益增长,提高通信系统容量已迫在眉睫,而小区间干扰是影响该通信性能的关键因素之一,为此本文研究了波束成形算法在抑制小区间干扰中的应用。首先本文针对蜂窝移动通信系统中出现的同频干扰问题,给出了小区间干扰产生的原理与模型;然后,研究了多点协作传输技术中的波束成形技术,重点讨论了几种经典的波束成形算法,在此基础上提出了一种使用经典波束成形算法并应用有限反馈的思路,并以平均速率、速率累积概率分布等指标来对比分析了几种经典的波束形成算法,给出了在抑制小区间干扰方面,基于SLNR的波束成形算法要优于其它波束成形算法的结论;最后,在不同的有限反馈方式下,分析了基于部分信道信息设计的信道量化码本在通信系统应用中的性能,仿真结果表明,通信系统在Grassmannian码本6比特下的性能已很接近于精确信道。7697
    关键词  多小区协作  多输入多输出  小区间干扰  波束成形  有限反馈毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要
    Title  The study of the technology of coordinated multi-point in mobile communication   
    With the growing business demand for cellular mobile communication, the improvement of capacity of cellular mobile communication system is imminent. However, the inter-cell interference is one of the key factors that affect the performance of the communication system. So this paper studied the application of beamforming algorithms in inhibition of the inter-cell.
    First, this paper gave the principle and model of inter-cell interference. Then we studied the beamforming technology in the Coordinated Multi-Point transmission technology and mainly discussed several classical beamforming algorithms. Then we proposed a scheme combing the limited feedback information with beamforming algorithms. And the article compared the performance of different beamforming algorithms, such as the average rate, the cumulative probability distribution of the rate and so on. Based on this, we obtained SLNR beamforming algorithm is better than other beamforming algorithms for improving communication performance. Finally, we also discussed the performance of the communication under different limited feedback. We just focus on the quantization codebook designed by the part of the channel state information. The simulation results show that the communication system in the Grassmannian 6 bit has been very close to the exact channel.
    Keywords  Multi-Cell Cooperation, MIMO, Beamforming, Inter-Cell Interference, Limited Feedback
    目   次

    1    绪论    1
    1.1    移动通信的发展概况    1
    1.2    论文研究内容与组织结构    2
    2    多小区系统及小区间干扰    4
    2.1    引言    4
    2.2    蜂窝移动通信系统    4
    2.3    小区间干扰产生的原理与模型    4
    2.4    多小区MIMO系统    6
    2.5    本章小结    7
    3    多点传输技术及其经典算法    8
    3.1    引言    8
    3.2    协作多点传输技术    8
    3.3    几种经典波束成形算法    12
    3.4    有限反馈技术    14
    3.5    本章小结    14
    4    仿真模块设计    16
    4.1    引言    16
    4.2    仿真流程    16
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