    摘要本文设计了一种新的基于Nios II的嵌入式频谱分析仪。Nios II是Altera公司研发的基于FPGA的可配置32位软核处理器,其可配置特性给嵌入式系统设计带来了更大的灵活性,为嵌入式系统的设计提供了一种全新的思路。本文以Nios II平台为核心设计嵌入式频谱分析仪,给出了基于Cyclone II芯片的Nios II的实现框图。本文首先介绍了基于Nios II的嵌入式频谱分析仪的优点和研制技术指标。然后讲解了如何通过SOPC Build建立一个自己需要的系统模块(Nios II及其标准外设模块),并说明了通过Nios II IDE设计频谱分析仪的基本原理和功能。对Nios II的体系结构进行了深入的分析,并使用SOPC Builder定制Avalon总线型元件。在系统结构设计中尽量采用低耗时的数据传输方式和充分利用FPGA中的资源。最后论文对主要工作进行了总结,并指出了系统需要进一步完善和发展的方向。关键字  FPGA  NIOS  IP核 Cyclone II,8621
    Title  Digital Frequency Instrument Design and Implementation_ Based  On  FPGA                               
    This paper presents a new Nios II-based embedded spectrum analyzer. Is the Altera Nios II FPGA-based R & D can be configured 32-bit soft core processor, which can beconfigured embedded system design features to bring greater flexibility for embedded system design provides a new ideas. In this paper, the core design for the Nios II platform embedded Spectrum Analyzer, is presented based on the Nios II Cyclone II chip realization diagram. This article first introduces the Nios II embedded spectrum analyzer and the development of the advantages of technical indicators. Then explained how SOPC Build a system that they need the module (Nios II and the standard peripheral modules), and shows through the Nios II IDE design the basic principle of spectrum analyzer and function. On the Nios II architecture in-depth analysis and customized using the SOPC Builder Avalon bus-type device. And make full use of FPGA and Nios II features, complete with fixed-point FFT computation implementation. Finally, the article summarizes the main work, and pointed out that the system needs further improvement and development.
    Key words:  FPGA   NIOS  IP core  Cyclone II
    目  录
    1. 绪论    1
    1.1  频谱分析仪的现状及意义    1
    1.2  基本概念介绍    1
    1.2.1  嵌入式系统    2
    1.2.2  SOC和SOPC    2
    1.2.3  IP核    3
    1.3  课题背景与研究内容    4
    1.4  论文的组织和安排    4
    2. 总体方案    5
    2.1  频谱分析仪的性能指标    5
    2.2  频谱分析仪的总体方案的确定    5
    2.2.1  方案一    5
    2.2.2  方案二    6
    2.2.3  方案三    6
    2.3  主要技术介绍    7
    2.3.1  Nios Ⅱ软核处理器    7  Nios Ⅱ第二代软核处理器简介    7  Nios Ⅱ内核体系结构    7  Nios Ⅱ外围设备    8  Nios II软核处理器指令系统    8
    2.3.2  Avalon接口规范    9
    2.3.3  硬件抽象层系统库    9
    2.3.4 开发环境介绍    10 Quartus II简介    10 SOPC Builder简介    11
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