    摘要脉冲压缩技术较好地解决了雷达作用距离和分辨力的矛盾,特别是二相编码信号因其具有近似于图钉型的模糊图,被广泛应用于现代雷达,声纳等系统。但是脉冲压缩处理后产生的距离旁瓣限制了二相编码信号的实际应用。所以,旁瓣抑制是二相编码信号处理的一个关键课题。 随着FPGA和CPLD的飞速发展,FPGA的优良性能日益显露,利用FPGA来实现旁瓣抑制滤波器系统已成为一种发展趋势。
    关键词  脉冲压缩  二相编码信号  旁瓣抑制滤波器  线性规划  凸优化  LMS算法  FPGA
    Title          Design of the sidelobe suppression        filter based on FPGA                               
    Pulse compression technique has largely solved the contradiction between the radar action distance and differentiate, specially the binary phase-coded signal because of its approximate in the map tacks fuzzy chart, is widely applied in radar, sonar systems. However the sidelobe after pulse compression has limited the practical application of the binary phase -coded signal. Therefore, Sidelobe suppression is a key subject. By the development of FPGA and CPLD ,the excellent performance of FPGA is increasingly obvious. sidelobe suppression filter systems based on FPGA  has become the tendency.
    Firstly, this article summarized the principle and the realization of pulse compression, discussed the characteristic of LFM signal and binary phase-coded signal, and gave a analysis on the matched filter system of the binary phase-coded signal. Then it analyzed the sidelobe suppression techniques of the binary phase-coded signal, designed the sidelobe suppression filters of 13-bit Barker code using linear programming, convex optimization and improved LMS algorithm and carried on the corresponding with Matlab The simulation results can be effectively carried out on sidelobe suppression. Finally, it completed a  FPGA implement system with VHDL. The results indicated that the design is right.
    Keywords  pulse compression  binary phase-coded signal  sidelobe suppression filter  LP  convex optimization  LMS  algorithm  FPGA
     目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景与意义    1
    1.2 研究现状    1
    1.3 本文的主要工作与内容安排    3
    2 脉冲压缩技术    3
    2.1 脉冲压缩概述    3
    2.2 脉冲压缩信号分析    7
    2.3 二相编码信号的匹配脉压处理与仿真    18
    2.4 本章小结    21
    3 旁瓣抑制技术    21
    3.1 旁瓣抑制技术概述    21
    3.2 二相编码信号旁瓣抑制滤波器的设计与仿真    22
    3.3 本章小结    29
    4 旁瓣抑制滤波器的FPGA实现    30
  1. 上一篇:基于FPGA的数字频谱分析仪设计和实现
  2. 下一篇:基于时频分析的多项式相位信号瞬时频率估计
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