    本文主要研究基于USB摄像头的实时图像捕获和图像信号处理。文中首先介绍了摄像头的相关知识,熟悉了MFC绘图类库、 VFW 软件开发包 和 AVICap窗口知识,在Visual C++环境下建立了图形捕获界面,并实现了USB接口输液瓶视频信号的捕获和预览功能,在Visual C++ 或Matlab环境下对所截获的视频信号进行前后比较,最后获得输液点滴速度。8680
    关键词    VFW     AVICap    灰度图    帧间差分法
    Title      Design and Implementation of Image Capture                        
                 and Signal Processing Based on USB Cameras     
    With social progress and economic development, cameras have been used everywhere in our modern life. Cameras are also called PC cameras or computer eyes. As a kind of video-input devices, cameras are widely used in the video conferencing, telemedicine, real-time monitoring and so on. Most people can also talk and communicate with each other with image and voice through the Internet by using cameras.
    This paper designs and realizes the real-time image capture based on USB cameras and Image signal processing. First of all, we introduce the knowledge about cameras. Then, we learn about the knowledge about MFC drawing class library, VFW development kit and AVICap windows. After that, we create an interface to capture images in the environment of Visual C++ and realize the function to capture and preview the video signal of droplets through USB. We compare the video signal we have captured before in the environment of Visual C++ or Matlab and finally get the speed of the droplets.
    Keywords   VFW     AVICap     Grayscale Image    Frame-difference Method
      目   次
    1  引言…1
    1.1  概述1
    1.2  摄像头简介…2
    1.2.1  摄像头组成及工作原理…2
    1.2.2  摄像头分类3
    1.3  摄像头的图像信号格式5
    1.4  当今主流图像捕获方法简介5
    1.5  本文研究内容及论文章节安排…6
    2  设计研究的工具环境7
    2.1  MFC 的绘图类7
    2.2  VFW 软件开发包…8
    2.3  AVICap 窗口类 …9
    2.4  编程环境10
    3  图像捕获…11
    3.1  捕获程序界面介绍11
    3.2  图像捕获所用函数及其功能11
    3.3  与图像捕获相关的几个结构13
    3.4  图像捕获功能实现13
    3.4.1  程序初始化设置13
    3.4.2  连接摄像头驱动15
    3.4.3  实现图像预览功能…15
    3.4.4  实现连续图像捕获功能…17
    3.4.5  实现单帧图像捕获功能…19
    3.4.6  实现停止预览功能…22
    3.5  图像捕获功能小结22
    4  图像处理…24
    4.1  图像处理功能介绍24
    4.2  原理简介24
    4.2.1  灰度图24
    4.2.2  帧间差分法25
    4.3  图像处理功能实现25
    4.3.1  灰度图转化25
    4.3.2  运动物体检测…26
    4.3.3  运动物体测速…28
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