    摘要 随着雷达、卫星通信及移动通信技术的不断发展和应用,圆极化天线得到了快速发展。微带天线具有馈电方式灵活、重量轻、体积小、易共形以及与集成电路兼容等优点。圆极化微带天线具有圆极化波和微带天线的优点,因此得到广泛的应用。当采用双馈结构正交馈电时,能够展宽天线带宽;缝隙耦合天线的馈电网络和辐射单元是隔开的,馈线的寄生辐射较弱,交叉极化水平低,有利于形成圆极化辐射;“H”形缝隙具有耦合量大、后向辐射低的优点。因此,本论文对 H形缝隙耦合馈电的双馈圆极化微带天线进行了研究,目前正在加工。主要内容如下: 1.  对工作频率为1.268 GHz 和2.492 GHz 的H形缝隙耦合微带天线单元分别实现左旋和右旋极化,通过优化空气层厚度、缝隙尺寸、馈电网络的结构等参数来实现宽带、高增益、高极化纯度的目标。 2.  采用旋转布阵法设计了一分四的馈电移相网络,通过多枝节匹配,该网络实现了在较宽频带内功率等分、相位延迟的功能。 3.  通过将圆极化天线单元和对应的移相馈电网络组阵构成22 的天线阵列的仿真,取得很好的性能,表明对每个天线单元依次旋转并施以等幅、相位依次相差90°的激励进行组阵,可以有效地提高阵列天线的阻抗带宽和轴比带宽。9881
     关键词:圆极化、缝隙耦合、移相馈电网络、天线阵列 Abstract
    As the development of radar,satellite and mobile communication,circular
    polarization antennas have found many applications and are rapidly advancing.  
    Microstrip antennas have the advantages of  flexible  to feed,light weight,amall
    structure,  conformable  to mounting  structures and compatible with  integrated  circuit
    and so on. Circular polarization microstrip antennas is being wadly employed in many
    areas due to the advantages of both circular polarization wave and microstrip
    antennas.When fed by two orthogonal  feeds,the band will be broadened.The feed net
    and radiating patch of  aperture-coupled  antennas are  separated  ,thus the parasitical
    radiation from the feed net is week  and  the  cross-  polarization level is low,which
    benefit to the circular polarization  radiation.H-shaped apertures have  the advantages
    of high coupling energy and low backlobe.Therefore this paper  will  focus on  the
    H-shaped  aperture-coupled circular polarization microstrip antennas,which are being
    manufatured.The main contents are listed below:   
    (1) A  RHCP(Right-Hand Circular Polarization) antenna with H-shaped
    apertures working at 2.492GHz and a LHCP antenna at 1.268GHz are
    proposed.The goal of  wideband、high gain and  pure  polarization  is
    obtained through optimizing the thickness of air、the size of  apertures
    and the structures of feed net.
    (2) A one-to-four phase-shifting power pider  is designed according to the
    rotating-embattle method.This net can equally pide power and
    accurately delay phase in a broad band via multi-branch matching.
    (3) A
    22 
      array  is constructed with 4  CP antenna elements and 1
    phase-shifting power pider  and performs quite good characters,which
    indicates  that  the impedance and axial ratio band will be efficiently
    broadened  by rotating each antenna element and exerting
    equal-amplitude  、90°phase diffierence in turn excitation.
    Key Words : circular polarization ,   aperture-coupling ,    phase-shifting  power
    pider ,anenna array 目录
    摘要   I
    Abstract   II
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