毕业论文关键词: 红楼梦;文化资源;开发;利用
The development and utilization of traditional cultural resources
——In a dream of red mansions, for example
Abstract: “a dream of red mansions” is a highly ideological content and great artistic work. Just for the printed on its popular more than 20 years, the Beijing city is circulating this proverb: "open talk not A Dream of Red Mansions, reading literature is also in vain." It is the wealth of the Chinese traditional cultural resources.
This article mainly refers to the research of the three development phases about “A Dream of Red Mansions”:the bud, persified exploration phase, industrialization period. From a single novel text and gradually adapted into opera, drama, film, television, comics and various art styles, even to the tourism, food and other fields. The development and utilization of “A Dream of Red Mansions” provide accumulated valuable experience and many inspirations for us to explore traditional culture the way of the industrialization, such as the resources of traditional culture is the origin, to pay attention to protection and development to meet the needs of era, and explore the brand values of a dream of “A Dream of Red Mansions”, etc. There are still some disadvantages exist In the process of the development and utilization of “A Dream of Red Mansions”, such as not formed the industrial chain, did not pay attention to development of derivatives, do not scale, etc. Combined with the actual and my ideas, I put forward some Suggestions of exploitation and utilization of “A Dream of Red Mansions”: takes industrialization course, strengthen publicity, brand route, and taking the scale line. I hope that through this article research to contribute to the further development of cultural resources for “A Dream of Red Mansions” .
Key words: A Dream of Red Mansions; cultural resource; development; utilization
一、引言 1
(一)萌芽期 2
(二)多元化探索期 2
(三)产业化时期 5
(一)传统文化资源是源头活水,要重视保护 8
(二)开发要适应时代的需要 8
(三)挖掘红楼梦的品牌价值 9
(一)没有形成产业链 11
(二)没有注重衍生品开发 11
(三)没有做到规模化 12
五、对《红楼梦》文化资源开发利用的建议 13
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