    摘  要:老庄思想特别是是天人合一的理想境界,对中国文化美学产生深远的影响。强调超功利的无为的审美关系,强调突出自然、突出个性和艺术的独立,追求浪漫不羁的形象想象,追求情感抒发,追求个性的表达,追求内在的、精神的、实质的美,大巧若拙,言不尽意,达到立象尽意,以象载道之目的。魏晋南北朝美学思想 魏晋南北朝是中国美学发展史上具有重大意义的转折时期. 魏晋玄学的兴起给当时的美学思想以深刻影响。明代中叶,随着资本主义萌芽的出现和封建统治的日趋腐朽,中国古代思想的发展进入了一个新时期。24708
    On the commentary of the Chinese ancient aesthetics
    Abstract: Thought of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi in particular is the ideal of unity of heaven and man, aesthetics have a profound impact on Chinese culture. Stressed the inaction of the ultra utilitarian aesthetic relations, highlighted the nature, prominent personalities and artistic independence, the pursuit of romantic image of uninhibited imagination, the pursuit of emotional expression, expression of pursuit of inpiduality, inner, mental, nature's beauty, naturalness is beauty, words, reaching state like Italy, for road purposes as contained in. Aesthetic ideology of Wei, Jin, southern and Northern dynasties in Wei and Jin and southern and Northern dynasties is a significant turning point in the history of Chinese aesthetics. Rise of metaphysics in Wei and Jin to the aesthetics of the time for deep impact. Middle period of the Ming dynasty, as the seeds of capitalism and the emergence of increasingly decaying feudal rule, the development of thought in ancient China had entered a new era. Keywords: Narratology; Theory of Polyphony; Space Art; the Philosophy of Time
    Keywords :Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi ; The Wei and Jin dynasties; The Ming and Qing dynasties;Realm
    目    录

    摘  要    1
    一、总述中国古代美学境界    1
    二、分述三个历史时期    2
    (一)老庄时期美学境界    2
    (二)魏晋时期美学境界    3
    (三)明清时期美学境界    5
    总结    7
    参考文献    7
    致谢    8
    老子可以说是中国古代美学的起 点,老子提出的一系列美学范畴如“道”、“气”、“象”、“有”、“无”、“虚”、“实”、“”、“妙”、“虚静”、“玄鉴”、“自然”等等观点。对中国古典美学产生了极大影响。
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