


    Reasons for the changes of the preliminary analysis of late Qing women's status


    Since ancient times, in China's feudal society the idea of "roles" prevailed, and all the while everyone seems to follow that philosophy in the Chinese idea, "innocence is the virtue for women," a woman's life should be only " having a son to carry on his family name and  helping the husband or teaching the children ," women have low status. To one thousand, in the long ancient society, occupies a total population of nearly half of women, under the concept of oppression and bondage, didn't get any formal and systematic knowledge of learning, not to mention the pursuit of the promotion of the position of women. With the defeat of opium war, the Qing government was forced to open the door, Chinese society entered a period of transition from the ancient to the modern transformation of. Social contradictions and ethnic conflicts intensified, introduces the influence of more and more big, prompted the then to national salvation, to reform the social responsibility of intellectuals knowledgeable people noticed that many women occupy China's huge population, "natural rights" with the idea of equality between men and women, began being used as a theoretical weapon, advocating women should receive education, women's status should be changed. Such a consciousness to promote the production of women's education, women's education came into being and the development also further promote the awakening of women themselves, to break the old idea of "innocence is the virtue for women, women's status to change, to contemporary feminism and women's education in China has a profound and significant influence.

    Key Words: The late Qing  Status of Women  Initial change  Women's Education    

    目 录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    一  传统的女子地位 1

    (一)女子沦为男子的附庸 1

    (二)男权至上,女子受限 1

    二  晚清妇女桎梏的松动 2

    (一)反对陈规陋俗 2

    (二)迈出家庭藩篱 3

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