
    摘  要: 在目前所見的各種出土簡帛《老子》古本當中,北京大學所藏西漢竹書《老子》是保存狀況最為完好的,保存內容亦是最為完整的。與傳世本《道德經》(王弼本)相比照,北大漢簡《老子》中用字情況非常複雜,作為出土文獻它真實地反映了漢代初年社會用字的基本情況。與今本相比,用字差異之處總計175例,其中通假字75個,計107例:第一類通假字是本字的一部分或與之相反,讀音相近或相同;第二類通假字和本字擁有共同的聲符或形符,讀音相近或相同;第三類通假字和本字沒有聯繫,讀音卻相近或相同。異體字15個,計18例:第一類隸定時形成異體字關係;第二類省簡或增繁筆劃或構件;第三類聲符或形符發生變化;第四類其他綜合運用。古今字19個,計50例:第一類今字是在古字的基礎上另加偏旁;第二類古字與今字聲符相同,形符不同;第三類在字形結構上無太大關聯,但從造字法和音義方面看,構成古今字關係。其中,通假字的廣泛使用,反映了漢代初期文字使用中以“音之簡”駕馭“形之繁”的發展狀況。55018


    Abstract: Among a variety of unearthed bamboo silk “moral book”,one from the Western Han Dynasty which collected in Beijing University’is in perfect status of preservation , and the content saved is also the most complete. Compared to Wang Bi’s version, the status of word using in bamboo silk "moral book" of the Western Han Dynasty is very complicated, but as unearthed literature, it truly reflects the basic situation of word using in the early Han Dynasty. There are 175 differences between the old and Wang Bi’s version. It includes 75 borrowed words,107 cases in total : The first type of borrowed words is an opposite of its portion, but pronunciation of them is similar or identical; second type of borrowed words and the words have the same sound symbol or shape symbol, the same or similar pronunciation; third type of borrowed word and the word have no links, but just the same or similar pronunciation. Variant 15, including 18 cases: the first kind exists in the ancient text written in modern fonts in accordance with its original structure; second, reduce or add strokes; third type, sound symbol or shape symbol changes; fourth type, other comprehensive use. The ancient and modern words of 19, including 50 cases: first type, modern word is adding component on the basis of ancient word; second kinds of ancient and modern words sound the same, form differently; third type, there are no connections between their structures, but it does belong to the ancient and modern words from aspect of formation of character and pronunciation . Among them, a wide range use of borrowed words reflects the development of the "sound of simplify" control "type of cumbersome" in early Han Dynasty text.

    Keywords: the Western Han Dynasty bamboo book ;the moral book; Word use

    2009年,北京大學獲得到了一批回歸的西漢竹簡。全部竹簡三千三百四十六枚,其中完整簡約為一千六百枚,殘斷簡多數也能綴合,內容均為醫方。2012年,瞭解到部分簡牘背面存在整齊刻畫痕跡,專家和學者著手對簡牘內容進行釋讀和分篇工作,初步瞭解和掌握了這批西漢簡牘的內容。竹簡含有近二十種古代文獻,基本涵蓋了《漢書·藝文志》的古書分類法“六略”中的各大門類,內容相當豐富,是迄今發現的古書類竹簡中數量最大的一批。其中包括篇章結構最為完整的出土《老子》古本。據《北京大學藏西漢竹書》可知:“西漢竹書《老子》(簡稱漢簡《老子》)現存完整竹簡一百七十六枚,殘斷竹簡一百零五枚;經拼綴後,共有完整或接近完整竹簡二百一十枚,殘簡十枚,另有兩枚完整竹簡遺失。據統計漢簡《老子》全書正文現存五千兩百字,另重文一百一十字,此外還有計字題尾一十三字,簡背篇題八字。推測原書正文應有五千兩百六十五字,另重文一百一十四字。”[1] p121其中所研究竹簡中已經殘破缺損的文字部分仍然有很多是可以根據文獻中的上下文語句而查補出來的,總體來看對影響文章意義的闕文經過統計字數不會達到全文總數的百分之一,因此可以說此文獻是到目前為止已經發現出土的保存下來的最完整的簡帛《老子》。漢簡《老子》分為上下兩篇。其《上經》相當於傳世本《德經》(王弼本),《下經》相當於傳世本《道經》(王弼本)。全書共分七十七章,其中《上經》四十四章,《下經》三十三章。

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