摘要近年来,随着全球航运业的迅猛发展,海上航行的船舶大幅增加,航速也不断 提高,这使得船舶碰撞和搁浅事故频繁发生。碰撞/搁浅事故往往造成船体结构破 损、原油泄漏和人员伤亡等灾难性后果,迫切需要船舶与海洋工程领域安全性学科 的发展,为船舶与海洋装备在恶劣海况环境中的可靠性提供技术支撑。因此,开展 船体结构在碰撞/搁浅事故载荷下结构安全性研究至关重要。95145

船体桁材作为船体结构中的主要构件,其损伤变形机理的研究对于准确预报船 体结构在冲击载荷下的损伤特性至关重要。本文重点研究船体桁材在碰撞/搁浅事 故下结构的损伤变形特点,通过试验、仿真、解析相结合的方法进一步提高桁材理 论预报的准确性,为设计初期快速评估船体结构的耐撞性能提供一定的指导。主要 研究内容如下:

(1)归纳整理了船舶碰撞/搁浅问题的国内外研究现状,明确了相关方向的研 究动态和发展趋势,指出了亟待解决的科学问题,在此基础上,确定了本文主要的 研究内容。

(2)开展了船舶碰撞/搁浅场景分析,并对典型的碰撞/搁浅场景进行简化,确 定了计算分析工况;在此基础上,重点关注舷侧和底部桁材结构,分析了其在碰撞

/搁浅事故中可能遭受碰撞载荷的模式,为后续计算分析奠定基础;同时介绍了船 舶碰撞/搁浅事故解析计算的理论基础及有限元数值仿真分析技术。

(3)以船体桁材结构为研究对象,设计开展了准静态冲压载荷作用下结构响 应试验,并开展了相关仿真分析,得到了结构损伤变形模式和冲压载荷。以此为基 础,提出了桁材面内受压的理论变形模式,并应用塑性分析法预报桁材结构受压过 程中瞬时阻力和平均阻力,通过与试验仿真结果对比验证解析公式的准确性。


Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of global shipping business, the number and speed of sailing ship are becoming higher, there is an increasing probability that ship may suffer collision or grounding accidents during its lifetime。 Ship collision and grounding accidents will result in the damage of ship structure, the leaking of crude oil and casualties。 So there is an urgent need for the development of the research on safety in naval architecture and ocean engineering, which can provide some technical  support in harsh ocean environment。 Therefore, it is of great significance to do research on the safety of ship structure in ship collision and grounding accidents。

Web girder is the main component in ship structure。 The research on the crushing resistance of web girder is crucial to the accurate assessment of ship structure under impact load。 This paper concentrates on the main deformation characteristics of web girder in ship collision and grounding accidents。 With the combination of experiment, simulation and simplified method, this paper commits to improving the accuracy of the theoretical assessment of web girder, which will provide some guidance for the rapid assessment of the crashworthiness of ship structure in the preliminary design。 The main works of this paper are as follows:

(1) This paper summarizes research status at home and abroad in ship collision and grounding and clarifies the research trends and development trends of relevant directions, besides, this paper points out the scientific problems which need to be solved。 On this basis, the main works of this paper is presented。

(2) The analysis of ship collision and grounding scene is carried out and the typical collision and grounding scene is simplified so as to determine the calculation conditions。 On this basis, the side and bottom structure of the ship is mainly concerned, and the analysis of the mode of impact load is carried out, which can lay the foundation for the subsequent calculation and analysis。 At the same time, this paper introduces the theoretical basis of the simplified method and the finite element numerical simulation technology in ship collision and grounding。












SrCo0.9-xMxNb0.1O3-δ(M=Fe, Ni)电...





