关键词 光纤传感 加速度传感器 光纤迈克尔逊干涉仪 振动频率 毕业论文设计说明书外文摘要
Title Test and Research on the vibration frequency of the Michelson optical fiber acceleration sensor
Using optical fiber sensor to detect seismic wave is developed in the recent 20 years as a new type of seismic wave detection technology, it has strong anti-interference ability, high sensitivity, dynamic range of measurement, etc., so in earthquake prediction, oil exploration and other fields has important applications.In this paper, we have a quantitative measurement of a frequency response characteristics of a fiber optic Michelson type acceleration sensor based on the clamped-clamped beam structure.We stood the relationship between the resonant frequency of the sensor and the beam geometry parameters and the material Young's modulus, measured the mass on the resonant frequency of the sensor effect, experimental data and the theoretical results agree very well.The two arms of the sensor fiber Michelson interferometer were posted on plate (elastic) beams under the surface, in under the influence of external acceleration, beam on the under surface side compression, a stretch, so that the formation of push-pull structure, high sensitivity and strong suppressing noise ability.
Keywords Fiber optic sensing Acceleration sensor Fiber optic Michelson interferometer Vibration frequency
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 光纤传感器简介 1
1.2 光纤传感器的分类及特点 1
1.3 课题研究的目的及意义 3
1.4 课题研究的主要内容 4
2 光纤加速度传感器的基本原理 5
2.1 光纤加速度传感器原理 5
2.2 干涉型光纤加速度传感器的理论基础 6
2.3 光相位调制机理12
3 光纤加速度传感器实验验证 14
3.1 光纤加速度传感器传感头的设计原理 14
3.2 光纤加速度传感器的共振频率 16
3.3 实验验证 16
结论 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20
图1.1 基于双光栅透射光强调制的光纤加速度计 2
图1.2 Michelson干涉型地震检波器结构示意图 3
图1.3 基于改性悬臂梁结构的光纤光栅地震波传感器 3
图2.1 光纤加速度传感器原理简图 5
图2.2 带法拉第旋转镜的迈克尔逊光纤干涉仪原理简图 7
图3.1 光纤迈克尔逊型加速度传感器的简单原理与基本结构 14
图3.2 光纤加速度传感器传感头简化力学模型 15
图3.3 实验原理图 17
图3.4 激光光源 17
图3.5 信号发生器 18
图3.6 相位调制器及传感器 18
图3.7 示波器 19
图3.8 未调制的波形图 19
图3.9 调制后的波形图 20