OnTalk ShowsOurDevelopment Strategy Abstract:Since 1993, China's gradual emergence of television talk shows on the screen. So far, China's television talk shows have more than two hundred. But talk radio's audience share, the percentage was small, it shows on talk radio audience appeal is gradually decreased. Of television talk shows have been encountered bottleneck in the development, talk shows discuss the development strategy, promoting the development of talk radio, it has become very important. Currently, people on talk radio research focuses on programs in the form, style, and TV show host media, on talk shows how to develop less involved. So people need is a rational look at the problems in the program as well as cause of the problem, based on popular demand changes, combined with the specific circumstances of talk shows, television talk shows for our country find a way out. Situation analysis of the talk show and its problems, as a basis, propose constructive measures, will talk shows breakthrough in the development of bottlenecks encountered, benign and healthy development of the road have a certain effect. Key Words: talk radio;topic;brand awareness; Moderator
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、我国电视谈话类节目存在的问题 2
(一)节目同质化现象严重 2
(二)节目内容虚假 3
(三)品牌意识淡薄 4
二、谈话类节目产生问题的原因 5
(一)电视媒体跟风 节目缺乏创新 5
(二)迎合受众 盲目追求收视率 5
(三)重宣传 轻经营 6
三、我国电视谈话类节目发展的措施 6
(一)开辟谈话节目新途径 6
(二)注重商业性和社会功能的统一 7
(三)创新形式 深化内容 打造节目品牌 7
参考文献 10,3653
美国出版的《电视百科全书》在定义“谈话节目”这一词条时谈到:“引‘电视谈话’(TV talk)包括了从一有电视起就存在的所有不用写脚本的对话和直接对观众讲述的各类节目形式,这种直播的、脱稿的谈话是电视区别于电影、摄影、唱片和书籍企业的一个基本因素。”也就是说电视谈话类节目是以人际传播为本质,以受众为中心,以灵活多变的形式,敏感而丰富多样的话题为载体,对节目的内容和形式进行一定程度策划的电视节目。