Influence of Hollywood types of Chinese Cinema
Abstract: Western film showed the United States legendary in the development of the western region of the story, is a type of film, be in fashion in one's time in a fairly long period. As a type of film, it enables the Chinese director to see the type of film charm, genre film not only to fit the aesthetic view of an era, the era also cater to the audience, which can excavate its commercial value and artistic value. American Westerns through specific narrative pattern, typical character image and the type of style it fixed either from commercial development, or from the aesthetic cultivation gave the Chinese film with a larger revelation. Chinese Movie Westerns from the United States who explored should be based on local culture, focusing on the development trend of the world movie, movies typed refinement in order to achieve a breakthrough.
Key Words: hollywood;westerns movie;type
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract. 1
一、好莱坞类型电影概述 2
(一)类型电影定义 2
(二)好莱坞《西部片》的类型特点 2
二、《西部片》的类型特点对中国电影的影响 3
(一)商业运作方面的影响 3
(二)文化方面的影响 5
(三)审美趋向方面的影响 7
三、好莱坞类型电影对中国电影发展的启示 8
(一)中国电影开始形成以本土文化为基础的发展思路 8
(二)中国电影也开始注重影片类型的划分 8
(三)中国电影开始关注世界电影的发展趋势 8
参考文献 10,3996
“类型电影是指按照某种特定的样式的规定制作出来的影片,再简化一点说,类型电影是具有某种共同特征的一类电影。” 类型电影在三四十年代的好莱坞曾占有十分有影响力的地位,也影响到了其他资本主义国家的电影发展理念。之所以说类型电影具有某种共同的特征,是因为其电影情节公式化,人物类型标准化,甚至连造型也是图解式的,这些相仿的电影元素,就致使包含相似元素的电影成为了一种类型。