A Study on The Entertainment Tendency of People's Livelihood News
Abstract: During the development process of people's livelihood news, it shows a tendency of entertainment. To some extant, moderate entertainment element has its rationality, it can helps news media keep closer to market , people’s life and the public. However, there will be an excessive entertainment due to many factors such as society, network platform, news communicators and perse needs of audience. A lot of problems occurred just like the prevalence of kitsch, over-the plot of the narrative, seriously homogeneity phenomenon and the lack of humanistic care, and many other problems. To solve those problems, we propose to improve ethical standards, combine the news value with the entertainment value, focus on the news topics of originality, pay attention to the originality of news topics, increase the ability of the cultural connotation, and many other suggestions in order to make a healthy development of the people's livelihood news network
Key words: network ; livelihood news ; entertainment
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、网络民生新闻娱乐化现象的概述 2
(一)网络民生新闻娱乐化的内涵 2
(二)网络民生新闻娱乐化存在的合理性 2
二、网络民生新闻娱乐化中存在的问题 3
(一)媚俗化现象普遍存在 3
(二)叙事过分情节化 5
(三)同质化现象严重 6
(四)人文关怀的缺失 6
三、网络民生新闻娱乐化的成因分析 7
(一)社会原因 7
(二)网络平台的原因 8
(三)新闻传播者的原因 9
(四)受众需求的原因 9
四、改善网络民生新闻娱乐化现状的应对措施 10
(一)提高道德水准 10
(二)新闻价值与娱乐价值相结合 10
(三)注重新闻选题的独创性 11
(四)增加人文内涵 12
参考文献 14