摘 要:人们对于言论自由的追求从来都没有停止过。在当下的互联网环境中,诸多因网络发言而引发的刑事案例屡次将言论自由的相关话题推向舆论的风口浪尖之上。本论文以美国言论自由发展历史为主线,考察了其言论自由的尺度和权力对言论自由的干预。研究发现,宪法第一修正案的出台,使得美国人民的言论自由有了宪法的依据。其中第一条修正案规定:“国会不得指定任何法律剥夺人民言论或出版的自由。”在给予人民言论自由保障的同时,也对这项权力进行了有效的限制和界定,言论自语权力作为基本人权神圣不可侵犯,但在行使这项权利时,不得诽谤他人以及危害国家安全。因此,言论自由无论是从狭义上单纯的言论自由还是广义中的言论自由、出版自由、新闻自由都以宪法作为保障,但它和其他基本自由一样,是法律基础上的自由。7437
The scale and power of free speech boundaries:
American free speech on the history of the comb
Abstract: It has never stopped that people pursue free speech.On the current Internet, the topic related to free speech has rode a wave repeatedly because of such many criminal cases caused by various statement. In this paper,the scale and power of American to intervene in speech freedom has been investigated according its main line of the history of speech freedom development. The study found that American free speech has the constitutional basis due to the First Amendment,in which,it is ruled “Congress shall not specify any law to deprive the right of people of free speech and publication.”With guaranteeing people free speech,it also effectively limit and define this right.Although free speech is sacrosanct as a basic human right,people shall not slander others and endangering national security when they exercise this right.Above all,as other basic freedom,free speech is also built on law.From no matter special theory of talking freely but also general theory of freedom of speech.publication and press,they all are guaranteed by the Constitution.
Key Words: The United States; freedom of speech; First Amendment; history and development
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