    摘 要:论文主要内容是网上服装商店的开发。对于开发工具开发环境做了系统介绍,全面叙述了设计思想和流程,详细说明了数据库创建思想和各个数据表中间的具体关联方面,并对系统各个功能的实现过程和详细的设计过程做了具体剖析,不仅做了简单系统功能模块图,更是力求清晰地将设计思想跟对整个程序设计的规划做了具体实现。21186
    根据实际所需要的,网上服装商店这类网站采用了模块化的设计思想,在Windows XP或是WIN7的操作系统环境情况,构建了ASP的运行环境IIS5.0,利用VBScript脚本语言完成动态、交互的web服务器应用程序,实现网上服装商店的大多功能,包括用户在前台对服装的浏览、查询以及购买等功能,管理员在后台进行的服装管理、用户管理、分类管理、信息管理和常规设置等功能。
    关键词: ASP;电子商务;网站;数据库
    The development of online clothing store
    Abstract:The main content of this thesis is the development of online clothing store. For the development of tools for the development environment of the system is introduced, this paper describes the design idea and process, a detailed explanation of the specific relational database to create the intermediate ideas and each data table, made specific analysis and the system implementation process of various functions and the detailed design process, not only to do a simple system function module chart, more is to clearly the design and planning of the entire program design the actual implementation.
    According to the actual need, online clothing stores such sites using a modular design , the operating system Windows XP or WIN7 environmental conditions , building a runtime environment IIS5.0 ASP , using VBScript scripting language to complete a dynamic , interactive the web server applications , to achieve a large multi-purpose online clothing store , including the user in the foreground view of clothing , inquiries and purchase functions, clothing management administrator in the background , user management, category management , information management, and general settings function.
    The system is the most distinctive parts: first, the order can be tracked query, the user can exchange information with administrators in the middle , and the second , the background of the content of the site is very detailed, especially the kind of clothing management , so that the system is more commercial value , to adapt to the development of online shopping class system.
    Keywords  : ASP; commerce; website ; database
    目 录
    摘要    I
    引 言    1
    1 系统概述    3
    1.1  系统研究的目的及意义    3
    1.2  项目目标    3
    1.3 系统业务流程图    4
    1.3.1 系统流程图的符号    4
    1.3.2 系统业务流程图    4
    2 可行性分析    6
    2.1 技术可行性    6
    2.2 经济可行性    6
    2.3 用户使用可行性    7
    2.4 法律可行性    7
    3 需求分析    8
    3.1 总体目标    8
    3.2 具体目标    8
    3.3 数据流程图及功能分析    9
    3.3.1 数据流图基本概念    9
    3.3.2 系统数据流图    9
    3.4 数据字典    11
    3.4.1  数据存储    11
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