    关键词 桥式起重机 设计观念陈旧  有限元   拓扑优化

    Title   A topology optimization design of main girder of overhead traveling crane     
    China's crane design idea is obsolete. At present the size of crane metal structure in our country is huge. Mechanism of transmission efficiency is low, drive power is large, and energy consumption is serious. Moreover, because our country industry is constantly expanding the scale of production, the production efficiency is improved and the proportion of the production process of material handling cost gradually increased. Enterprises’ demand for large, high speed and automation crane is also growing. Crane weight is bigger and bigger and work faster and faster.The automation degree is higher and higher.Also the requirements will be put forward higher and  higher on the energy consumption and the reliability of crane. Do analysis and topology optimization for main girder of overhead traveling crane structure Through the finite element software HyperWorks .Not only can  satisfy the strength and stiffness but also can meet the design requirements on the basis of main beam, reduces of the quality, achievement of the purpose of energy saving.
    Keywords  automation degree  HyperWorks   topology optimization
     目   次
    1 引言    1
    1.1国内外研究现状    1
    1.1.1国外研究现状    1
    1.1.2国内研究现状    2
    1.2 研究目的与内容    3
    1.2.1 研究目的    3
    1.2.2研究内容    3
    1.3课题研究技术路线    3
    1.3.1总体研究方案    3
    1.3.2桥式起重机主梁拓扑优化的研究步骤    4
    2 课题研究的基本理论    5
    2.1有限元的发展    5
    2.2有限元法在大型起重机中的应用现状    5
    2.3有限元法的计算过程及其优缺点    6
    2.4有限元软件Hypermesh 概述    7
    3 桥式起重机主梁结构分析    9
    3.1研究对象的选择与分析    9
    3.2桥式起重机主梁几何模型的建立    11
    3.3桥式起重机有限元模型的建立    13
    3.3.1桥式起重机主梁三文模型的导入    13
    3.3.2抽取集合中面    14
    3.3.3网格划分    14
    3.4有限元模型分析    16
    3.4.1 信息卡片的编辑    16
    3.4.2创建边界条件    17
    3.5主梁模型等效静力分析    19
    4 桥式起重机主梁的拓扑优化    26
    4.1拓扑优化的含义    26
    4.2确定优化模型    27
    4.3拓扑优化计算结果分析    28
    结  论    35
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