毕业论文关键字 电气主接线 变电站布置图 变电站接地布置图 二次展开图
Title A mountain small Hydropower Station electrical part of the design
Abstract Electrical part Station design is an important part of the construction of hydropower stations, the design of the electrical part of the design is a mountain of small hydropower stations。 Design contains comparison and determination of main electric connection schemes, the main transformer selection, the main wiring short-circuit current optimal solution calculation Electric Equipment selection, determine their parameters and models, and equipment dynamic stability, thermal stability checksum ; establishing basic grounding grid power station, and the grounding resistor selection,auxiliary power voltage level, auxiliary transformers and auxiliary power wiring determination; draw station main electrical wiring diagram, substation floorplan substation grounding layout, secondary expanded view other related drawings。
Keywords: The main electrical wiring Substation layout Grounding substation layout The second expanded view
目 次
1 引言 1
1。1 已知资料 1
1。2 设计内容 2
2。1 电气直接线要求 3
2。2 主接线方案确定 3
2。3 方案确定 5
2。4 水轮发电机确定 6
2。5 导线的初步选择 6
2。6 确定发电厂主变压器 6
3 短路电流的计算 8
3。1 画等值电路图 8
3。2 短路计算点K1 9
3。3 短路计算点K2 11
3。4 短路计算点K3 13
3。5 短路计算点K4 14
3。6 短路电流汇总 16
4 高压电气设备选择 18
4。1 断路器的选择 18
4。2 隔离开关的选择 21
4。3 电压互感器 25
4。4 电流互感器的选择 27
4。5 高压熔断器的选择 32
4。6 避雷器的选择 33
4。7 母线的选择 37