    摘 要语言是文化的载体,英语习语是语言的重要组成部分,而隐喻则是习语中最具有代表性的一类。英语习语起源于英语在长时期的社会和历史因素下以一种普通的方式产生的特殊的表达方法。对于大多数中外学习者来说,完全掌握英语习语的翻译是很难的,因此,让读者去关注隐喻在英语习语中的用法是很有必要的。本文旨在探讨隐喻在英语习语中的用法,文化因素对于习语中隐喻翻译的影响,以及隐喻的翻译策略,从而指出英语学习者在英语的学习中应该多加关注文化背景以此来提高英语学习的效率。19072
    关键词:习语; 隐喻;文化;翻译
    摘 要.i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    1.1 The Definition of English Idioms    1
    1.2 The Origin of English Idioms    2
    1.3 The Definition of English Metaphor    3
    II. The Analysis of Metaphor in English Idioms    5
    2.1 The Transformations in Idioms    5
    2.2 The Collocation of Idioms    6
    2.3 The Features of Metaphor    7
    2.4 The ways of Mastering the Metaphor    8
    2.5 The Cultural Connotation of English Idioms and Metaphor    9
    III. Influence of Culture on Translation of Metaphors in Idioms    10
    3.1 The Relationship between Culture and Idioms    10
    3.2 The Difficulty in Translating Idioms    11
    3.3 The Translatability of Metaphors in Idioms    12
    3.4 The Influence of Traditions and Customs on Translation    13
    3.5 The Influence of Cultural Differences on Translation    14
    3.6 The Influence of Religious Difference on Translation    14
    3.7 The Influence of the Ideological Difference on Translation    15
    IV. Translation Methods for Translating Metaphors in Idioms    15
    4.1 Literal Translation by Retaining Metaphor    16
    4.2 Literal Translation by Keeping Metaphor and Adding Note    17
    4.3 Free Translation by Replacing Metaphor    18
    4.4 FreeTranslation by Deleting Metaphor    19
    V. Conclusion    20
    Bibliography     22
    Acknowledgments    23 Abstract
    Language is the carrier of culture, and English idioms are the important part of language. Idioms are conventionally formed during the development of languages. It is relatively difficult to comprehend the translation of idioms completely for most Chinese and English readers. So it is necessary for readers to take into account the issue of English metaphors in learning English. This paper is intended to analyze the metaphors in English idioms,the influence of culture differences on translation of metaphors in idioms, and the translatability of metaphors, to point out English learners should pay attention to the cultural knowledge in language learning to improve the efficiency of English learning. 
     Key words: idiom; metaphor; culture; translation
     The Analysis of Metaphors in English Idioms
    I. Introduction     

    1.1 The Definition of English Idioms
    Idioms, or conventionalized multi-word expressions, often but not always non-literal, are hardly marginal in English, though they have been relatively neglected in lexical studies of the language. This neglect is especially evident in respect of the functions of idioms. There are many people have been researched the idioms, always different scholars have done many summary, some scholars emphasize idioms constitute the number of words; Some scholars emphasize the idiom structure’s fix; And some scholars emphasize single idiom semantics. Such as, a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the inpidual words.(New Oxford Dictionary of English,1998).An idiom is an expression which functions as a single unit and whose meaning can’t be worded out from it’s separate parts. (Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics,1985). Cowie and Ammer say that an idioms is a combination of two or more words which functions as a unit of meaning. (Cowie,1975).And Ammer thinks that an idiom is a set phrase of two or more words that means something different from the liberal meaning of the inpidual words.(Ammer,1907).But, to sum up ,I, who can say, idioms are fixed phrases or short sentences structure. It’s significance does not same. It is the simple addition constitutes the meaning of inpidual words. Lude phrasal verbs. Some scholars (Makkai 1972; Weinreich1969) use the absence of a literal counterpart to exclude certain expressions from the domain of the idiomatic. Others (Stressless 1982)arbitrarily exclude phrasal verbs. All the scholars reviewed are to a greater or lesser extent influenced by the OED definition of idioms, though this is much more evident in the work of some (Makkai1972) than in that of others. It is the least evident in Cowie et al.(1975,1983).The semantic peculiarities of idioms receive the most attention from Weinreich (1969),while the variability of idiom forms is most fully explored by Fraser(1970)and by Cowie et al.(1975,1983). Cowie et al. not only note variations: they also link such variations to the practicalities of language use.
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