    摘 要课堂活动设计是课堂教学有效进行的一个重要环节,是对教学活动的综合的整体的规划与安排,是课堂教学顺利进行的保障。本毕业论文从素质教育理念出发,指出了课堂活动设计的基本要求及应遵循的原则。此外,对提高课堂活动有效性的几个方法也简单的做了介绍。旨在充分调动学生的学习积极性和主动性,活跃课堂气氛。19077
    Classroom activity design is an important part for an effective classroom teaching, and is the comprehensive overall planning and arrangements of teaching activities. It is the guarantee of the success of classroom teaching. With the departure of quality education concept, the study points out the basic requirements of classroom activity design and the principles should be followed. Except that, the thesis also introduces several methods to improve the classroom activities’ effectiveness. All is to fully arouse students’ learning enthusiasm and initiative and enliven classroom atmosphere.
    Key words: classroom activity design; students’ initiative; interest; cooperative spirit
    On the Design of Class Activities in Middle School English Teaching
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. On the Goals and Rules of Classroom Activity    2
    2.1 The Target of the Classroom Activity    2
    2.2 The Basic Requirements for the Design of Classroom Activities    4
    2.3 The Principle of Classroom Activity Design    5
    Ⅲ. The Basic Strategies and Steps of Classroom Activities Design    7
    3.1 Basic Strategies for Classroom Activity    7
    3.2 Steps of Classroom Activity Design    8
    IV. Ways to Improve the Classroom Activity Design    10
    4.1 The Harmonious Relationship between Teachers and Students    10
    4.2 The Situational Communication Activities    11
    4.3 The Interesting Activities    12
    4.4 The Collaborative Activities    13
    4.5 The Innovative Puzzle-type Activities    14
    V. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17

    Classroom activity is the carrier of the students to construct knowledge, generate capacity and to convey emotion and information, and is also the important measure to guarantee the carrying out of the teachers’ classroom teaching aims. A lot of the Middle Schools in China don’t pay much attention to the English classroom activities, so that the teaching form is lagged behind, and the classroom teaching has not been able to arouse students’ interest. Students in the class rely heavily on teachers, who never take the initiative to set up their own knowledge system. The new curriculum reform requires the English classroom activities to improve the teaching philosophy, methods and the teaching design further, changing from the previous situation that “teacher speak, students listen” to the “student-centered, teacher-guided” state.
     With the deepening of the curriculum reform, in junior high school English classroom, the student-centered teaching concept is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The traditional teaching methods in teaching the knowledge of language has been continuously updated and optimized. The classroom teaching is the core link of the curriculum reform and the platform of the teacher’s professional development and the cultivation of students’ comprehensive quality.
     However, there are still some problems in practical English teaching, especially in how to organize the classroom teaching activities and the design of the classroom teaching activity, which is particularly significant and exist some inefficient and even invalid phenomenon. In this paper, it discusses the basic requirements and the principle in the design of junior middle school English classroom activity, the basic strategy and steps of the design of classroom activities, and how to improve the classroom activities.
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