    摘 要《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》是20世纪最重要的美国短篇小说,作者威廉.福克纳被认为是美国南方文学的代表。然而,国内学者对此小说的研究主要局限于从文学批评的角度。自“语境”这一概念提出以来,许多语言学家从不同的角度对语境进行了深刻的分析研究,但是从认知语境的角度分析文学作品的还不是很多。本文从认知语境角度出发,对小说《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》的历史背景进行推理分析,并分析了小说中的两件代表性事件:税收事件和恋爱事件。说明读者解读文学作品时,首先必须建立各种期待和假设,然后根据这些期待和假设去理解或解读小说所表达的主题,而且会发现认知语境为我们理解话语或语篇提供一条新思路,这一解读过程其实就是构建认知语境的过程。19078
    A Rose for Emily is generally viewed as one of the most important American short stories in 20th century. Its author William Faulkner is regarded as the representative of the southern literature of the United States. However, researches into this novel mainly start from the prospective of literal criticism, ignoring analysis to linguistic form. Ever since the notion “context” comes into being, more and more linguists begin to research context from different aspects, but the application of the theories of context into the analysis of the literal work is not rare. The present paper, based on the theory of cognitive context, tries to infer the historical background of novel and analyze the two representative events of the novel: collecting taxes and Emily’s love. It shows that readers’ interpretation of the novel is a process of searching for various kinds of expectations and assumptions. And cognitive context provides a new way to interpret discourse, especially the literary text. The interpretation of the fate of Emily is indeed the construction of cognitive context.
    Key words: Cognitive Context; A Rose for Emily; inference or analysis                         
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    Ⅰ. Introduction    1
    Ⅱ. Cognitive Context    2
    Ⅲ. Interpretation of A Rose for Emily by Cognitive Context    3
     3.1 Inferences about the Novel’s Historical Background by Cognitive Context    4
     3.2 Discourse Analysis by Cognitive Context    5
     3.3 Character Analysis by Cognitive Context    7
     3.4 Analysis of the Important Events by Cognitive Context    8
      3.4.1 Event of Collecting Taxes    8
      3.4.2 Event of Emily’s Love    10
    Ⅳ. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16
    Analysis of A Rose for Emily from the Construction of Cognitive Context

    Ⅰ. Introduction

    One of the most frequently anthologized stories by Faulkner, A Rose for Emily is the remarkable story about Emily Grierson, an aging spinster in Jefferson whose death and funeral drew the attention of the entire town, “the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old manservant― a combined gardener and cook― had seen in at least ten years.” The unnamed narrator, which some critics have identified as “the town” or at least a representative voice from it, in a seemingly haphazard manner relates key moments in Emily’s life, including the death of her father and a brief fling with a Yankee road paver, Homer Barron. Beyond the literal level of Emily’s narrative, the story is sometimes regarded as symbolic of the changes in the South during the representative period. As we have mentioned that the theme of William Faulkner’s short novels is the decay of the old South, and the emergence of ruthless and brash newcomers. The technique is the distortion of time through the use of the inner monologue. This short story A Rose for Emily can best represent these points. The fall of Miss Emily indicated the decay of the south, and the come of those Yankee road pavers, such as Homer Barron indicated the emergence of ruthless and brash newcomers. This short novel is one of the typical representative works of Faulkner and the author also used a lot of symbolism in this short novel. Only reading through the literal meaning cannot help us to fully understand the novel, so the contextual analysis of this short novel is necessary.
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