
    Ⅲ. Interpretation of A Rose for Emily by Cognitive Context

    William Faulkner (1897-1962), the towering figure of American South Literature and the winner of the 1949 Nobel Prize for “his power and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel” (Alexander 23), has exerted considerable and vibrating influence upon the entire literary world. As a representative writer of American South literature, Faulkner portrays the real life of the South, and explores almost all the topics concerned with the decline of the family, slavery, incest, murder, racialism, alienation and so on. What Allen Tate says well illustrates the values of Faulkner’s literary productions, “Even if there was no Shakespeare, Elizabethan, literature was still the pride of the British, and then the new literature of the South was outstanding even without Faulkner”(Tate 35). A Rose for Emily is one of the most representative short novels written by William Faulkner in 1930. The story with flashback presents a peculiar romance of an American lady Emily in a declined aristocratic family of American south.
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