    关键词  道林格雷   自我   本我   超我
     Title  An Observation of The Picture of Dorian Gray through Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory
    In his only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde describes the psychological changes of Dorian Gray, the main character of the novel. His description not only opens a new field for modern literature to expand the literary arts from spiritual world as well as material world, it also provides a new research direction for critics so that it allows them to analyze the intentions of literary works through some kinds of psychological theories.
    In Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, he pides the psychological region into three parts, the ego, the id and the superego. The three main characters in the novel correspond to these three regions precisely. Lord Henry, a charming and tactful man who attracts Dorian Gray like a devil plays a role of the id. The new hedonism and philosophy of entertainment he pursues all represent the instinctive desire of the id, the pleasure principle. Basil Hallward plays the role of the superego, he is a kind and honest man with high sense of responsibility and morality. Basil keeps warning Dorian Gray the bad influences from Lord Henry in order to prevent Dorian Gray from corruption. His behavior is based on ethical principle. Dorian Gray, the representative of the ego, surrounded by the id and the superego, behaving under the reality principle, tries to keep his balance between the id and the superego to maintain the inpidual health.
    The thesis is pided into three chapters, in the first chapter the author briefly summarizes Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of the ego and the id. The second chapter introduces the main characters and the corresponding roles of the ego, the id and the superego. The third chapter offers the analysis of the conflicts among the ego, the id the super and the outside world.
    Keywords    Dorian Gray   ego   id   superego
    Table of Contents
    Introduction    1
    1  The Summary of Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory of Ego and Id    2
    2  The Corresponding Characters of The Ego, Id and Superego    4
    2.1  The Ego—Dorian Gray    4
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