    关键词  互文性理论 互文性应用 英语新闻  新闻标题
    Title  A Study of Intertextuality in English News Headlines 
    The theory of intertextuality, as a text theory, is original from the structuralism and post-structuralism. Intertextuality plays an important part in literature writing, and is also the primary characteristics of news headlines. This thesis takes some specific news headlines as examples, from Chinese Daily and New York Times, for analysis to reveal how the intersexuality plays in the headlines. This thesis mainly talks about the types of intertextuality and its forms in English news headlines. Through the investigation, the author finds the percentage of application of intertextuality in English news headlines, especially that of application of specific intertextuality, has been rising up.
    Keywords   Intertextuality theory  Intertextuality application  English News  News Headline
    Table of Contents
    1. Introduction    1
    2. Literature Review    2
    2.1 Background of Intertextuality Research    2
    2.2 Background of News Headlines Research    3
    3. A analysis of Intertextuality in English News Headlines    4
    3.1 Specific Intertextuality in English News Headlines    6
    3.1.1 Citation    6
    3.1.2 Allusion    7
    3.1.3 Parody    9
    3.2 Generic Intertextuality in English News Headlines    11
    Conclusion    13
    1. Introduction
    Julia Kristeva is the first person to elaborate the term intertextuality. Juliaz pointed out “intertextuality is used to signify the multiple ways in which any one literary text is made up of other texts, by means of its open or covert citations and allusions, its repetitions and transformations of the formal and substantive features of earlier texts, or simply its unavoidable participation in the common stock of linguistic and literary conventions and procedures that are ‘always already’ in place and constitute the discourses into which we are born.”(Abrams, 2004:218) The key point of her theory is that any text mingles with other texts, of repetition, concentration, egression, deepening. The sense of every text always oversteps themselves indications. The intertextuality analysis provides a meaningful perspective about relationship for the creation and understanding of the text. The theory of intertextuality developed with the time and was applied in more and more fields.
       There are various information sources releasing hundreds of news reports everyday. However, the busy life leaves only few time for the readers to expose themselves to the news reports. A new times of reading news headlines only comes into play. The news headlines could create an image in the reader’s brain about the core meaning of the news report. Different dictionaries give different definitions, For example, “A head of a newspaper story or article usually printed in large type and devised to summarize, give essential information about,or interest readers in reading the story or article that follows.”(Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, 1961:1042) There came many challenges in translating the headlines. The news editors needed to master the technics of writing according to the features of the headlines. Cook (1992) once pointed that analyzing the slogan did not mean to analyze the language only.
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