    关键词  译者主体性   接受美学   葛浩文  《红高粱家族》
    Title Translator’s Subjectivity in Howard Goldblatt’s Version of    Honggaoliang Jiazu from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics  
    Honggaoliang Jiazu is one of the most famous novels of the well-known writer, Mo Yan. Its English version was translated by the famous Sinologist Howard Goldblatt and this English version has attracted rave reviews since the publication in America. But so far, research on this English version is relatively small in the translation circle. Moreover, relevant documents which can be retrieved are not written by scholars in the field of translation. At the same time, no one has focused on the translator’s subjectivity in Goldblatt’s English version from the perspective of Reception Aesthetics up to now.
    Therefore, this paper attempts to analyze the translator’s subjectivity and the effect of acceptance achieved in the Goldblatt’s English version from the perspective of Reception Aesthetics through careful reading of Mo Yan's Honggaoliang Jiazu and Goldblatt’s English version. And this paper is intended to develop a new approach to study Goldblatt’s English version and provide some advisable and helpful suggestions about translation strategies for Chinese literature.
    This paper draws a conclusion: the translator is the subject of the translation. His/her subjectivity is very important in the process of the translation because it is closely related to his/her own initiative and creativity. Therefore, translator’s subjectivity is the primary condition to ensure the success of the translation. Meanwhile, translators should fully take the target readers into consideration and try their best to get fusion of horizons with the target readers by considering target readers’ social cultural background, religious beliefs and aesthetic sense as the ultimate goal of the translation is to make the target readers understand and accept the translated text.
    Keywords   Translator’s Subjectivity   Reception Aesthetics   Howard Goldblatt Honggaoliang Jiazu 
    Table of Contents 
    1  Introduction    1
    1.1  Translator’s Subjectivity    2
    1.2  Significance and Objective of the Research    4
    1.3  Research Methodology    4
    1.4  Outline of the Thesis    6
    2  Translator’s Subjectivity in Light of Reception Aesthetics    6
    2.1  Limitations of Reception Aesthetics and Translator’s Subjectivity    6
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