Bibliography 18

Inpidualism in the American Film The Pursuit of Happiness

Inpidualism in the American Film The Pursuit of Happiness

I。 Introduction 

1。1 Background of the Research

Western culture treats the inpidualism as main value and advocates achieving personal interests。 Besides, the pursuit of freedom is also a mainstream idea of Western countries' values。 The Declaration of Independence has mentioned the proposition that we hold                 these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness。 Moreover it advocates hard work and respects struggle。 People achieve the American dream by adopting their own hard work。 This concept is affected deeply by the Puritan thoughts, and it is also the main value in other Western countries。文献综述

There are some studies about American inpidualism。 After browsing dozens of papers, I have summed up the following several points:

1。 Different cultural backgrounds between China and America lead to the differences of inpidual cognition。 Different historical developments create different cultural details, which in turn creates different understandings of inpidualism。

2。 The cultural differences between China and America are mainly embodied in one aspect。 The ingredients of American inpidualism is freedom, independence, equality and inpidual rights。 The Chinese inpidualism is highlighted by egoism and disregard of others。

3。 The wrong understanding of inpidualism leads to Chinese people’s misuse of inpidualism。 Various incorrect social behaviors are getting more and more, regardless of moral personality and the sense of shame, thus leading to social indifference。来.自^优+尔-论,文:网 +QQ752018766-

4。 Chinese people have been promoting the maintenance of collectivism。 However, in some ways, the achievements of inpidual activities are much higher than the collective activities。

5。 The Chinese should learn from the Americans。 Understanding the essence of inpidualism and applying it to the social life so as to guide people's practical activities。

Most points of view explain the cognitive differences of inpidualism, the reasons for their formation and what the correct inpidualism is。 Many of the researches start from a historical perspective to study inpidualism。 Similarly, this article will start from a new point of view–movie to illustrate the meaning of inpidualism。

















