    摘要托马斯•哈代是19世纪末20世纪初英国最伟大的批判现实主义作家的杰出代表。其作品深刻地反映了英国文多利亚时代的社会现实, 代表了19世纪后期英国现实主义小说的最高成就。 托马斯•哈代以其长篇小说闻名于世, 但他的短篇小说也同样具有卓越的文学地位,《儿子的否决权》就是哈代的“乡村故事”中具有代表性的一篇。本文依据小说中的重要历史背景—英国文多利亚时期的阶级、道德伦理观及女性生存环境, 分别从社会、环境和性格三方面对索菲悲剧命运的根源进行了剖析。另外, 结合哈代的悲剧思想和悲剧的美学价值分析索菲的形象及悲剧命运是该论文的创新点。
    关键词: 《儿子的否决权》; 托马斯.哈代; 索菲; 悲剧思想; 美学价值 20436
    Abstract Thomas Hardy is one of the greatest representatives of English critical realism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. His works profoundly reflect the Victorian social reality and represent the supreme achievement of the British realistic novels in the late nineteenth century. Thomas Hardy is best known as the writer of novel, his short stories also have gained outstanding literary status, and The Son’s Veto is a representative of his rural stories. Based on the important historical background of the novel – the British Victorian class, moral ethic and the women’s living condition, this paper profoundly analyzes the root of Sophy’s destiny respectively from the society, environment and character. In addition, the analyses of Sophy’s image and her tragic fate are the innovative point of the paper combining with Hardy’s tragic vision and the aesthetic value of tragedy.
    Key words: The Son’s Veto; Thomas Hardy; Sophy; Tragic Vision; Aesthetic Value
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. About Thomas Hardy    2
    2.1 Hardy’s Life and His Works    2
    2.2 Hardy’s Tragic Vision    4
    2.2.1 The Formation of Hardy’s Tragic Vision    4
    2.2.2 The Embodiment of Hardy’s Tragic Vision in Sophy’s Image    5
    Ⅲ. Analysis of Tragic Image of Sophy    7
    3.1 The Aesthetic Features of Hardy’s Tragic Fictions    7
    3.1.1 Unifying Characterization to Achieve the Unity of Action    7
    3.1.2 Recognition and Reversal    8
    3.2 The Reflection of Aesthetic Values on Sophy    10
    3.2.1 Sophy’s Sublime Personality    10
    3.2.2 Sophy’s Pursuit for Freedom    11
    3.2.3 Sophy’s Resistant Spirit    11
    IV. Enlightenment from the Tragic Image of Sophy    12
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16
    On the Tragic Image of Sophy in The Son’s Veto
    I. Introduction
    Thomas Hardy is one of the most important realism novelist and poet in England. He critiqued certain social constraints that hindered the lives of those living in the 19th century and was considered as a Victorian Realist writer. Hardy examined the social constraints that are part of the Victorian status quo, suggesting these rules hindered the lives of all involved and ultimately led to unhappiness. His latter works bore a lot of elements of tragic tint, most of his characters’ ideal and aspirations were all end with tragedy. The protagonist of The Son’s Veto Sophy was a typical example of this point.
    The Son’s Veto is a life story of a maiden named Sophy as a servant in a priest family. Sophy became a lame person because of looking after the priest. The priest got married with her out of sympathy. However, Sophy was not accepted by the upper class in such a society with a rigid social stratum. What’s disappointed her most was that her son also looked down upon her low origin and lack of knowledge. Sophy wanted to remarry to her first love Sam, which received her son’s resolute opposition, because he thought that it would ruin his reputation and degrade him in the eyes of all the gentlemen of England. He even made her mother swear that she would not wed Sam without his consent. At last, Sophy died in depression.
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