    关键词  别让我走   人性   妥协性   抗争性
    Title The Compromise and Revolt of Humanity in Never Let Me Go                  
    The compromise and revolt are two aspects of humanity that containing the law of the unity of opposites, which can be well reflected in the famous British novelist Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go. As clone men who are only used as medical tool to cure sick people, the characters in this novel not only compromise but also revolt with hope facing with the tragic fate that has already set up for them. However, all their revolts seem like a drop in the bucket and the only choice they can make is just following the set program controlled by powerful human beings and heading to death step by step. This paper will discuss the three main characters’ manifestations and reasons for the formation of compromise and revolt of humanity one by one to prove the perdurability and power of compromise and the transiency and weakness of revolt in their humanity under the certain situation in this novel. Finally, from the perspective of human being history and life, this paper elaborates the contradiction and unity of compromise and revolt of humanity exists all the time. In addition, the practical significance of this paper will also be put forward.
    Keywords   Never Let Me Go   Humanity   Compromise   Revolt
    Table of Contents
    1  Introduction  1
    1.1  About the Author1
    1.2  About Never Let Me Go1
    1.3  Literature Review2
    1.4  About This Paper 5
    2  The Compromise of Humanity in Never Let Me Go  6
    2.1  The Concrete Manifestation of Compromise  6
    2.2  The Reason for the Compromise10
    3  The Revolt of Humanity in Never Let Me Go 12
    3.1  The Concrete Manifestation of Revolt12
    3.2  The Reason for the Revolt15
    3.3  An Assumption15
    4  The Compromise and Revolt of Humanity in Real Life 16
    4.1  The Relationship between Life and Death 17
    4.2  Practical Significance 18
    Conclusion  19
    Acknowledgements 21
    1 Introduction
    1.1 About the Author
    Never Let Me Go was written by one of the most celebrated Japanese-born British novelist Kazuo Ishiguro, who is well-known as one of the “Three Greatest Immigrant Writers of England” along with V. S. Naipaul and Salman Rushdie. In 2008, The Times ranked Ishiguro as the 32nd writer on the list of “The top 50 greatest British writers since 1945” (2008).

    Kazuo Ishiguro was born in Nagasaki, Japan in 1954. At the age of 5, he moved to England with his family. He received all his education and grew up in the English environment. In 1982, he became a British citizen and published his first novel A Pale View of Hills (1982). He received four Man Booker Prize nominations and won it with his novel The Remains of the Day (1989) in 1989.
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