    关键词  元话语   民工   汉语   新闻语篇
    Title  An Analysis of the Metadiscourse Usage in Chinese News Discourse on Migrant Workers
    This paper deals with the usage of metadiscourse in Chinese news discourse on Migrant Workers issues. Based on Hyland’s definition and classification on metadiscourse, the researcher investigated all the metadiscourses which appeare in 30 pieces of Chinese news discourse involving migrant workers, and some of the typical cases are analyzed with examples excerpted from the original discourse. The study found that the usage of metadiscourse is consistent in all kinds of Chinese news discourse on Migrant Workers issues; the frequency of interactive metadiscourse is a bit higher than interactional metadiscourse; and the transition markers and frame markers are most frequently used while endophoric markers and code glosses are the least.
    Keywords   metadiscourse   migrant workers   Chinese   news discourse
    Table of Contents
    1  Introduction    1
    1.1  Object of the Research    1
    1.2  Significance of the Research    1
    1.3  Structure of the Thesis    2
    2  Previous Studies on Metadiscourse    2
    2.1  Definition    2
    2.2  Theoretical Studies of Metadiscourse    4
    2.3  Empirical Studies on Metadiscourse in Discourse    7
    3  Research Questions and Research Method    7
    3.1  Research Questions    7
    3.2  Data Collection    8
    3.3  Data Analysis    8
    4  Research Finding and Discussion    9
    4.1  Distribution of Metadiscourse in News Discourse on Migrate Workers    9
    4.2  Reasons for the Usage of Metadiscourse    11
    5  Conclusion    14
    Acknowledgements    16
    Bibliography    17
    1 Introduction
    1.1 Object of the Research
    Metadiscourse is a language used to provide functions such as organizing discourse, expressing writers’ viewpoints, and channeling readers’ responses (Hyland, 1999). Metadiscourse in news discourse serves to focus our attention on the means through which writers organize the contents, convey useful information and implicate the authors’ attitude. It is a significant textual mechanism of news discourse (Hyland, 2005). For example, it’s very common that we use “well” to draw listeners’ attention, to tell them that we are going to speak; we may sometimes use “I mean” to modify or explain what we have said. The expressions “well” and “I mean” are both metadiscourse in dialogue. Here is an example of metadiscourse in news report:
    There are two level of meaning in this sentence. First one is that the boy’s legs had no feeling, the second one is  that the author (reporter) showed his sympathy that it was too bad for the boy. In the second level, we can see “更糟糕的是” functions as a tool to show the author’s (reporter) attitude toward the event.
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