    Acknowledgments  One of the greatest joys during the writing of this thesis is discussing with people who have given
    not just their time and attention, but their hearts and souls as well. I would like to thank the following people for their dedication and contribution, without which the path to the finishing line would have been a whole lot more bumpy. 21527
    I am really lucky enough to meet such helpful persons, especially my supervisor, Ms.Yujing, who has generously shared her inspirational and provocative ideas during many of our face-to-face discussion sessions. I will never forget that she has spent much of her precious time for me in reading and revising my paper—paragraph by paragraph. Thank her very much indeed.
    I also wish to thank other respectable professors and teachers at the School of Foreign Languages, from whom I have benefited quite a lot from their great personality as well as their excellent teaching during my four years’ collegiate study. 
    William Shakespeare is commemorated as one of the greatest playwrights that the world has ever produced. During his lifetime, he was prolific, contributing a great number of masterpieces which have been well respected around the world. This thesis conducts a literary appreciation of The Tempest, one of his important romantic dramas.
    This paper focuses on the analysis of the major theme expressed in the work, namely, the conflicts between virtues and vices of human natures. To this end, the thesis starts with a discussion on the humanist views of the dramas. It argues that Shakespeare was a true humanist, expressing his views of humanism in his treatment of storytelling of the drama. It then moves on to the inherent conflicts of human nature, with a focus on the co-existence and tension of both virtues and evil found in human nature, very often in the same character. The thesis finally elucidates the linguistic expression of the major theme. It mainly argues that The Tempest stands out as a representative work by William Shakespeare in demonstrating the major themes through various means such as character construction, plot setting, and language devices. It is concluded that the Tempest stands out one of the most representative works by the great playwright in exposing the conflicts between the bright and the dark sides of human nature. 
    Key words: Shakespeare, The Tempest, virtues and vices, conflict


    Acknowledgments i
    摘要. .iii

    1 Introduction1

    2 A Masterpiece on Shakespearean Spirit of Humanism4
    2.1    Overview of The Tempest4
    2.2    Humanist view in The Tempest5
    2.3 Shakespeare as a humanist6
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