Conclusion 9

References 10From+优 尔-论+文W网www.youerw.com 加QQ752018`766

1 Introduction

1。1 Research Background

Red Sorghum is written by Mo Yan, a famous contemporary Chinese writer。 Red Sorghum tells a story between “my grandmother” Dai Fenglian and “My grandfather” Yu Zhanao happened in Shandong。 Red Sorghum has a main line that my “grandfather” fights against Japanese invading army, and a auxiliary line that the love story between “my grandmother” and “my grandfather”。 The main story takes place in a village,which is called Gaomi。 Some of the main characters in the novel are spontaneous rebel forces and some of them are confusing and unorganized by the local leaders。 They do not take the initiative to save the country and have not the people’s consciousness。 The reason is just for their own survival。论文网

The whole novel does not dwell too much positive image。 The character of “my grandfather” has two sides, the blood of both wild bandits and heroes makes the characters real and fullness, and reduces the scene of the true history。 In the novel, Mo Yan makes every effort to have almost all of the war scenes carefully carved, and regardless of the size of the war scenes, even the scene that people and dogs devour corpses also used a great number of strokes, depicting a picture with corpses all around, bloody and cruel。 Among these scenes, Mo Yan depicts some red blood Red Sorghum, the whole world is blood red。 Mo Yan uses a type of carnival-like language, and many metaphors, creating a world with Red Sorghum, on the ethical edge。 Both a bandit and a hero, they did all the bad things and serve the country they love as well。

Red Sorghum becomes more and more popular, so it is translated into many versions。 The English version translated by Howard Goldblatt is the most famous。 So this study is based on the two versions。 

1。2 Research Questions

(1) What is metaphor? What are theories of metaphor?

(2) How is the translation skills and theories of metaphor use in translating?

(3) Which structure or pattern should we use when we translate something about metaphor? 

(4) Is there a fixed pattern when translators fix the problem about metaphor?

1。3 Research Methodology

This thesis use analysis, document collection, and case study to make these cases clear, and in the end, we can get the good idea for the future translation。 There are steps:

At the beginning of this paper, there is the literature review about the skills of translation and the metaphor and metaphor’s translation。 Then select some representative cases and take an attempt to analyze how the metaphor is in use, and what the metaphor translation skills are used, and what the principles work。 Finally, a conclusion is made on the basis of these skills and some good suggestions offered on how we can use these skills in the future translation文献综述

1。4 Significance of the Study

With the development of China in recent years, Chinese literature has attracted wide attention。 However, Chinese culture is profound in that it has unique cultural charm not only in wording but also in grammar。 Therefore, in order to make Chinese culture understood by more and more people, including foreign friends, many excellent translators have made tremendous efforts。 Metaphor, as a special kind of Chinese writing style, is necessary to fixate on it。 Red Sorghum is written by Mo Yan, which has many metaphors in it。 The English version translated by Howard Goldblatt has got great honor, even Mo Yan said it is in line with the original work。 Therefore, this paper intends to use two versions of Red Sorghum as the research object, combining translation theory and theory of metaphor to find some representative sentences and analysis similarities and differences between English and Chinese version to find some translation strategies。 Where there is metaphor, there is skill。

















